Prince Charles paid £1m a year to support Prince William and Harry in official duties

PRINCE Charles is paying £1 million a year to support his sons and the Duchess of Cambridge in their official duties, it emerged today.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

It was revealed that Prince Charles will pay 1m a year to support his young family It was revealed that Prince Charles will pay £1m a year to support his young family

But the heir to the throne may struggle to foot the growing bill if Prince William, Kate, and Prince Harry end up taking on much more royal work as the Queen and Prince Philip slow down.

Charles's principal private secretary William Nye conceded that his boss would have to look carefully at how much he could continue to fund the activities of the three younger royals in addition to his and Camilla's duties if the balance of work changed.

That may come to a head if William decides in September to quit his job as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot and become a fulltime working royal. "Whatever the Duke of Cambridge's plans, the Prince of Wales would have to look carefully at how he continues to fund the official activities of the staff and support for the five senior members of the Royal Family whom he is paying for," said Mr Nye.

At the moment, Buckingham Palace receives the bulk of £36 million in taxpayer funding for the Royal Family but Charles pays for much of the work involving himself, Camilla, William, Kate and Harry, who are increasingly becoming the focus of the future of the monarchy.

Charles, 64, pays for them from the income he receives from his hereditary landed estate, the Duchy of Cornwall, which owns 131,000 acres in 24 counties, mostly in south-west England but also in London.

Figures published yesterday showed he received a record £19 million in profits from the Duchy in the year to the end of March.

With taxpayer support of £1.1 million to fund his travel, his total income was £20.2 million, down by £281,000 on the previous year because of a drop in grants he received for foreign visits in a year when he and Camilla visited the Queen's overseas realms, who paid for the trips.

Charles, who paid £4.4 million in tax after deducting expenses, spent 67 per cent of the remainder on official and charitable duties. His 17 charities raised £139 million in the year.

Royal sources confirmed that the £1 million he pays for William, Kate and Harry - mainly to fund their St James's Palace office and travel by car on official duties in Britain - is part of a figure of £2.1 million described as other expenditure in the accounts.

Prince Charles, £1m supprt, prince harry, prince william, duchess of cambridge, official duties,  Prince William and Harry might have to take on more official duties as the Queen slows down

Prince Charles, £1m supprt, prince harry, prince william, duchess of cambridge, official duties,  The Duchess of cambridge will also receive financial suport from the Prince


William, Kate and Harry also receive financial support from Charles to fund their private lives. The cost of Kate's dresses are thought to be included in Charles's £2.4 million private expenditure but the figure is not detailed in the accounts.

The three younger royals' income for their official duties is supplemented by taxpayers' money in the Sovereign Grant used to fund their travel by train and air and the refurbishment of their new apartment and offices at Kensington Palace. The apartment refurbishment has cost £1.1 million after six months of a year-long project. Aides will not say how much the office refurbishment costs.

The three young royals employ the fulltime equivalent of 10.5 staff, compared to 148.3 for Charles and Camilla but, although they share some resources, it is thought they would have to expand their staff if they dramatically increase their duties. However, a senior aide insisted: "At the moment there are no plans to increase the numbers of staff."

Apart from staff, the others costs of upping their number of royal duties would come out of the Sovereign Grant.

MPs on the Commons Public Accounts Committee, which has looked at the tax affairs of Starbucks, Google and Amazon, will question royal officials on July 15 about why Charles pays no Corporation Tax or Capital Gains Tax on the Duchy's income.

Aides say the reason is that the Duchy is not a corporation.

Charles’ income from the Duchy was 4 per cent up on last year.

Aides’ insistence that William, Kate, and Harry have no plans to take on more staff suggests that the Duke of Cambridge may decide to stay in the forces for a little longer after September.

100 - towns and cities in the British Isles visited
58,495 - miles travelled on official engagements
108 - receptions, seminars, lunches and dinners
7,415 - guests attended events at their royal residences
36,923 - letters received from the public
3,000 - letters replied to personally
37,174 visitors to Highgrove gardens


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