The most expensive labour ever? One night stay at the Lindo wing costs £6,265

AS the Duchess of Cambridge goes into labour, the real cost of her time in St Mary's Hospital has been revealed.

By Kirsty McCormackRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duchess of Cambridge has chosen to give birth in a private hospital Getty The Duchess of Cambridge has chosen to give birth in a private hospital (Getty)

The cost of a one night stay on the Lindo Wing is a staggering £6,265 and includes a suite of two rooms, but excludes consultants' fees.

Other costs are also split into the length of antenatal care that a patient may require.

For example, in terms of day case accommodation it will cost £75 for up to one hour. Up to three hours will set the patient back £200 and more than three hours will cost £400.

Antenatal care overnight will come at a total of £900, while a set of five parent education classes cost £350.

Kate's decision to have the royal baby in a private hospital has certainly divided Britain as 37 per cent of the British public think that she should be having her firstborn on the National Health Service, believing it would send a powerful symbol if the new third in line to the throne was a child of the NHS, according to the ICM poll for independent think tank British Future.

However, a bigger proportion of the public, 43 per cent, support the Duchess's decision to have her baby privately, not least because she does not need to use the NHS, which is celebrating its 65th anniversary this year.

duchess of cambridge, royal baby, kate, private hospital, poll, birthA poll shows that 37% of the British public think Kate should have the baby on the NHS (WENN)

The ICM poll found that the age group with the strongest views in favour of a royal baby on the NHS were those in the Duchess's age group, the 25 to 34-year-olds, where 45 per cent were in favour, compared to 32 per cent against.

Sunder Katwala, Director of British Future, said: "On the same day as our future King or Queen is born at St Mary’s in Paddington, many more babies will be delivered on the NHS.

"While Kate’s popularity means there’s enormous public interest in the royal birth, this poll shows most people understand and respect that the decision is for her and William to make.

It was interesting that their contemporaries, the 25 to 34-year olds, who are perhaps thinking of starting families themselves, were keenest on the future monarch being a child of the NHS."

Another poll found the public divided over whether the baby's christening, expected in the autumn, should be an excuse for a bank holiday in Britain.

Some 46 per cent of the public think it does not deserve an extra bank holiday, compared to 43 per cent who think a holiday is warranted, a YouGov survey found.

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