Prince Philip is back in charge at Balmoral and king of the barbecue

PRINCE Philip is back in charge at Balmoral after three months of recovering from abdominal surgery.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Philip is back on top form at Balmoral Prince Philip is back on top form at Balmoral

The 92-year-old Duke of Edinburgh cooked a barbecue for New Zealand Prime Minister John Key and his family and other guests at the Royal Family's Highland retreat last weekend.
Philip, who has lined up a programme of official royal engagements for the autumn after weeks of recuperating from his operation, takes pride in his culinary skills at the family gatherings at Balmoral.

He was very much in charge but was helped by another guest at the barbecue last Friday while the others joined in with the preparations, according to Mr Key.

"They all pitched in. We helped lay the table, all the guests helped. It must be the only bit of informality they really have in their lives. It's definitely an informal gathering," he said.

Duke of Edinburgh, Prince PhilipDuke of Edinburgh was released from hospital some three months ago

Mr Key, 52, who spent two days at the castle with his wife Bronagh, 49, and children Stephanie, 20, and Max, 18, has described how the Queen and her family played host to them all during their stay.

The Queen drove him and his wife around on a guided tour of her 50,000-acre estate, while Prince William and his friends took Max grouse shooting - though Max did not take part in the shooting- and the Duchess of Cambridge and other women in the group went hiking through the woodlands around the castle.

Mr Key, who also played golf on the Balmoral course but lost on the last hole to an opposition team led by the estate manager, told the New Zealand Herald that the family got to meet, but not hold, Prince George. "He's a very bonny baby," he said.

They also saw the Queen's corgis, Holly and Willow, and some of her dorgis. "The corgis were everywhere. They were very friendly," he added.

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