Prince William and Kate move into palace flat

PRINCE William and new mother Kate have moved with baby Prince George into their new London home...a 21-room residence at Kensington Palace.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate and William with their son Prince George GETTY Kate and William with their son Prince George [GETTY]

Apartment 1a, Princess Margaret’s home until her death in 2002, has been refurbished for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at a cost of millions of pounds.

The couple – who returned to London at the start of last week after a short break at Balmoral with little George – moved in with their 10-week-old son earlier this week following a year of renovations on the property.

They have used their family funds and furniture, paintings and ornaments from the Royal Collection, which is held in trust for the nation by the sovereign, to decorate the four-storey apartment. External repairs and other refurbishments, including a modern kitchen and an environmentally-friendly heating and hot water system, have been paid for by the taxpayer. Halfway through the work, the bill had already reached £1.1million.

In addition, an estimated £500,000 of security measures have been installed in and around the apartment, including an “air lock” double door to deter intruders, an advanced CCTV system, pop-up bollards and spiked railings.

Prince William, Kate, Prince Geroge, flat, Kensington Palace, royalKate will undertaker her first solo engagement since the birth of George this month [GETTY]


The couple, whose London home until now was a cramped two-room cottage at Kensington Palace, are also overseeing work at Anmer Hall, the 10-bedroom house on the Queen’s Sandringham estate in Norfolk which will be their future country home.

William and Kate, both 31, are due to return to official royal duties soon.

Kate, who will appear in public occasionally during her maternity leave, is to undertake her first solo royal engagement since George’s birth on October 18 when she will join Olympic and Paralympic athletes playing sports with young athletes in London’s Olympic Park.

William, who left his job as an RAF search and rescue pilot last month, is planning a series of royal engagements mixed with longer-term projects and placements with charities and public bodies. “It’s going to be an extremely busy 12 months,” a senior aide said.


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