Prince William 'steps up to the plate' at Korean War memorial ceremony

PRINCE William represented the Queen at a State visit for the first time today, joining South Korea's President Park Geun-hye at a ground-breaking ceremony for a Korean War memorial.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William 039 s maturity was shining through Prince William's maturity was shining through [REUTERS]

The second in line to the throne marked another milestone in his preparations for his future role as King by taking part in the ceremony at Victoria Embankment Gardens in London.

"We see this as a signifant moment for him. He is stepping up to the plate," a senior royal aide said.

His only other involvement in a State visit was when he and the Duchess of Cambridge met US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle informally during their State visit to Britain in 2011.

In a suit and coat with remembrance poppy, William, 31, stood head bowed with President Park, South Korea's first woman president, in silent tribute to the 82,000 British servicemen who fought in the 1950-53 war, including more than 1,000 who died in the conflict.

The President, who is staying at Buckingham Palace as a guest of the Queen and Prince Philip on a three-day State visit, recalled the sacrifices made by British troops - many doing National Service - in the three-year war between US-led United Nations troops fighting with South Korea against Chinese Communist-backed North Korea.

"It is said that a friend in need is a friend indeed," she said.

"This memorial will remind future generations of the remarkable fruits of British friendship which will forever be etched in the hearts of the Korean people.".

Korean war, memorial, Prince William, William and Park Geun-hye stand by the model of the Korean War memorial [REUTERS]


The 61-year-old president cut the first turf and unveiled a scale model of the 18ft Portland stone memorial, featuring a bronze statue by sculptor Philip Jackson of a British soldier in winter kit looking down as if in front of a battlefield grave to say goodbye to a fallen comrade.

Sixty years after the armistice ending the conflict, it is Britain's first memorial to what many have described as a forgotten war. The South Korean government has asked corporate and private donors in the country to pay for the monument, which is due to be completed next summer.

British officials said they had no idea how much it will cost.

William, who still holds commissions in all three services, met veterans after the short, poignant ceremony and sympathised with those who have been waiting 60 years to see their service recognised.

"It's taken a while," he said to one group.

"It's an honour to be here. It's the least I could do. It's been a good opportunity for me to catch up and learn a bit more about the war."

Although it is often described as the forgotten war, one celebrated action in particular has gone down in national folklore. At the Battle of Imjin River in April 1951, around 900 British troops  took a defiant though ultimately doomed stand for three days against a force of 30,000 Chinese troops crossing the river in an effort to reach the South Korean capital Seoul.

More than 600 men of the 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment, the Glorious Glosters, were killed, wounded or captured - the Chinese lost 10,000 men - after a senior US officer misunderstood a classic piece of British understatement.

Queen, kore, korean, memorial, WilliamThe Queen arrived in a state carriage [PA]

US Major-Gen Robert H Soule failed to appreciate the desperation of the Glosters' plight when he asked Brigadier Thomas Brodie: "How are the Glosters doing?" "A bit sticky, things are pretty sticky down there," the Brigadier told him.

The Glosters' hopes of reinforcements were not forthcoming and only around 60 men were able to escape when the remnants of the Battalion tried to break out.

Tommy Clough, 82, originally from Blackpool, Lancashire, but now living in

Gloucester, was taken prisoner at the battle and spent two and a half years in a POW camp.

Mr Clough, who was a Lance Bombardier with the Royal Artillery at the time, spoke to William about his experiences.

"When he found out I was a prisoner of war, he asked about the conditions in the camp and about the climate," said Mr Clough, whose weight had plummeted to six stone when he returned home from the war.

"It means a great deal to have the future king of England here."


Ben Whitchurch, 82, from Bristol, who served as a private and anti-tank gunner in the 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment, was taken prisoner at the same time. He said he hoped people would recognise the significance of the memorial, adding: "A lot of people still see it as the forgotten war."

His views were echoed by Dick Fair, 81, a former Trooper with the 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards from New Malden, Surrey.

"It means everything to have this," he said. "So many people don't know about the war. It came too soon adter the end of World War Two and the country had had enough of war."

At a glittering State banquet at Buckingham Palace tonight, President Park outdazzled even Theresa May, wearing a stunning orange and white traditional Korean costume known as a hanbok.

In a speech, the Queen, wearing a white Angela Kelly State dress and the Queen Mary tiara, paid tribute to the close ties between the two nations and recalled the British contribution to the war effort.

"Sixty years after the Armistice agreement, we remember their courage, bravery and sacrifice," she said.

"We were therefore very pleased that earlier today, accompanied by my grandson the Duke of Cambridge, you unveiled the design for a memorial to the British forces who served in the Korean War."

Earlier today, President Park was given a ceremonial welcome at Horse Guards Parade as she began her three-day visit.

She was greeted with warm smiles and the sight of Home Secretary Theresa May in a dazzling quilted coat of many colours that eclipsed even the bright reds and golds of the Household Cavalry.

The Queen, Duke of Edinburgh, and Prince Andrew hosted the President, who arrived in a State car as sunshine broke through the clouds after a morning of heavy rain that left the parade ground covered in puddles.

President Park, who is staying at Buckingham Palace during her three-day visit, was introduced to dignitaries on the royal podium by the Queen, who was in a rose-coloured silk and wool dress and coat by Karl Ludwig, with a matching Anglela Kelly hat.

The president, who wore grey trousers and a dark purple coat, shook hands with Prime Minister David Cameron, Foreign Secretary William Hague and Mrs May, whose coat was the talk of the parade ground.

The QUeen, prince philip, South KoreanThe Queen and South Korea's President Park Geun-hye walk around Buckingham Palace [AP]

A 41-gun salute was fired in nearby Green Park by The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and there was a similar satute at the Tower of London by The Honourable Artillery Company, to mark the arrival of the president, who was sworn in on February 25 this year.

After the Korean national anthem was played by the Band of the Welsh Guards, President Park inspected the guard of honour provided by 1st Battalion Welsh Guards with the Duke of Edinburgh - who gallantly pointed out a large puddle she ought to avoid as they walked from the dais.

The president then joined the monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh in a State carriage procession to Buckingham Palace, with the trio taking the Australian State coach.

The Duke of York, who had earlier accompanied the president to the ceremony, followed in the Scottish State coach.

Crowds lined The Mall to cheer the procession as it made its way to the palace.

Ms Park is the daughter of former president Park Chung-hee, who ruled South Korea for almost two decades after seizing power in a military coup in 1961.

At the age of just 22, Ms Park became South Korea's first lady when her mother was shot dead in 1974 - murdered by a North Korean gunman.

The Queen and Philip paid a state visit to South Korea in 1999, while the last leader from the country to make a state visit to the UK was Roh Moo-hyun in 2004.

In 2012, the popularity of Gangnam Style, the dance track by South Korean pop star PSY, is said to have boosted tourism to South Korea after the song's video became the first to exceed one billion views on YouTube.

But there was no sign of a Gangam Style welcome for the president today.

Theresa May, ceremony, David CameronDavid Cameron, William Hague and Theresa May attended the ceremony [EPA]

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