Camilla meets stars who volunteer their own time to lend a helping hand

THE Duchess of Cornwall heard extraordinary tales of compassion and dedication to others when she honoured 12 volunteers from across Britain yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Camilla 5th from top left and Phillip Schofield 2nd right meet the volunteers Camilla (5th from top left) and Phillip Schofield (2nd right) meet the volunteers [TIM CLARKE]

Camilla joined actress Patricia Routledge and television presenters Phillip Schofield and Gloria Hunniford to meet this year’s Diamond Champions.

The Daily Express-backed initiative by the Royal Voluntary Society honours older people who go the extra mile for others.

The volunteers were presented with special Diamond Champion pins by the Duchess, president of the charity, at the ceremony at Lancaster House in London.

 The Diamond Champion badge awarded to the volunteers at the ceremony [TIM CLARKE]

Schofield, an RVS ambassador, said: “Older volunteers perform a too often unrecognised role, dedicating time and love to those who really need it.”

Among the recipients were Doris Neal, 90, of Peterborough, Valerie Blackmore, 73, of Exeter, and Doreen Smith, 83, from Oldham, who gives reiki, a hands-on healing treatment, to stroke victims. As she demonstrated on Ms Hunniford, Camilla asked: “If I lie on the floor can you do me?”

Daily Express editor Hugh Whittow, one of the judges, said they had been astounded by the compassion and commitment of the Diamond Champions.

Don’t miss the Diamond Champions Special in tomorrow’s Daily Express.

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