'I don't want to put my shoulder out' Prince Charles tackles 80lb huge bow in Portsmouth

AS Admiral of the Fleet, he is an officer and a gentleman but Prince Charles got to grips today with life as a Tudor bowman on Henry VIII's flagship.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Charles trying out the 80lb bow Charles trying out the 80lb bow [GETTY]

In his Naval dress uniform, the heir to the throne tried out an 80lb long bow at the Mary Rose Museum in Portsmouth Dockyard. "I don't want to put my shoulder out," he worried, although he did fine.

Charles, who has been closely involved for 40 years with efforts to first recover the wreck of the Mary Rose from the Solent and now to preserve it for future generations, visited the new £35 million state-of-the-art museum housing the ship and its artefacts. He was joined by the Duchess of Cornwall, who hammed it up for the cameras, brandishing a mallet and one of numerous nit combs, some of which still contain eggs, that once belonged to the Tudor warship's crew.

The ship, once the pride of Henry VIII's Navy, capsized in the Solent in 1545 during a battle with the French. It was raised from the sea bed in 1982.

Prince Charles Mary RosePrince Charles, Prince of Wales is the President of the Mary Rose Trust [GETTY]

Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, royal CamillaCamilla, Duchess of Cornwall inspects inspects continuing conservation work [GETTY]

Charles, 65, recalled first diving on the wreck in 1974 amid poor visibility. "It was like swinmming in a kind of lentil soup. You couldn't see anything, or so I thought anyway," he said.

He also recalled the moment in 1982 when a giant crane lifted the wreck out of the Solent and there was a crunch and he thought the warship was about to sink again and be lost forever. "I will never forget the almighty crash as the chains came down," he said. "And I thought, oh it's all my fault."

The first Mary Rose museum was set up as a temporary exhibition in 1983 to display a fraction of the 19,000 artefacts found within her. The new £35m museum has attracted 360,000 visitors since it opened nine months ago.

Charles praised the work of the Trust, volunteers, and supporters who have helped turn it into a world class tourist attraction. "It's a great British achievement," he said.

Camilla, who had earlier grimmaced when schoolchildren showed her replicas of the barber-surgeon's tools, took home a cuddly toy of the ship's dog Hatch and some colouring books for her grandchildren.

Before they left the museum, Charles and Camilla shook hands with dozens of French schoolchildren visiting the attractions. Speaking in French, he asked them: "Have you had a good time? Have you seen the ships?"

Excited schoolchildren told their friends: "I shook the Prince's hand."

The visit was the first of several for the royal couple in Portsmouth today. Later they were due to make a joint visit to helicopter carrier HMS Illustrious in the dockyard.

After leaving the Mary Rose Museum, Charles flew by helicopter out to sea to visit HMS Dragon, the fourth of the Royal Navy's six Type 45 destroyers.She sailed for her maiden deployment to the Gulf in March 2013, carrying out maritime and counter-piracy patrols, and returned in November to her base port in Portsmouth.Camilla, meanwhille,  met staff and volunteers at a sexual assault referral centre in the city which helps 450-500 victims a year,  anyone over the age of 13, male or female, who has been attacked.

Prince Charles Camilla, CamillaCamilla, Duchess of Cornwall looks on as Charles is presented with a sword [GETTY]

Charles royalCharles pulls the bow watched by wife Camilla [GETTY]

In the last few years, Camilla has visited centres throughout the UK providing support to victims of rape and sexual abuse. She has met a number of rape survivors and hearing about their experiences has given her a strong desire to try to help by raising awareness of the issue.

"I've been around lots of these centres. You do at least feel something is being done," she told Kim Hosier, director of Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service, who said the issue was coming out of the shadows. "Yes, it's emerging," added Camilla.

From there, she returned to the Naval base and was piped aboard the helicopter carrier HMS Illustrious, touring the ship's sick bay and operating theatre after watching a simulation of a medical emergency.

In the operating theatre, she chatted to surgeons before noticing that a sailor acting the part of a patient undergoing an operation had suddenly stirred.
"Oh, he's woken up. Obviously, the anaesthetic's worn off," she laughed. "It seems like a good idea to be put to sleep for the afternoon."

The Duchess, who is Commodore-in-Chief of Royal Naval Medical Services,  met military surgeons based at civilian hospitals around the country who joined the carrier to help relief efforts in the Philippines in November after Typhoon Haiyan left a wave of destruction and killed more than 5,000 people.

llustrious and her 950 crew spent three weeks delivering emergency UK aid supplies and repairing key services and broken infrastructure. The ship's company shifted 300 tonnes of aid by hand.

Charles, returning by helicopter, joined Camilla later at a reception on board for crew - and their families - who took part in the relief effort.

Camilla chatted to one little girl who was taken with her pearl earrings. "My granny's got a pair of earrings like that," said Lydia Scott, 3, who was there with her father, Lieutenant

Commander Neil Scott, mother Annika, and brother Kenzie, 6.

Held aloft by her mother, she touched the Duchess's ear and Camilla took one of her earrings off to show her it.

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