Royals parade show-stopping hats for Commonwealth Day

ROYALS pulled out the stops with an entrancing hat parade at Westminster Abbey yesterday for Commonwealth Day.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen wore a pink ensemble at the Commonwealth service yesterday The Queen wore a pink ensemble at the Commonwealth service yesterday [REX]

The Queen, Duchess of Cornwall and Countess of Wessex all topped their outfits with eye-catchers at the Commonwealth Observance service in London.

The 87-year-old monarch, in a salmon-coloured outfit, was joined by Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camilla, Sophie Wessex and Prince Edward who was celebrating his 50th birthday.

royals, hats, westminster abbey, commonwealth day, queen, duchess of cornwall, countess of wessex, fashion, outfits, commonwealth observance service, An extravagant confection for Sophie, Countess of Wessex [REX]


Camilla, 66, wore a cream dress and coat with elaborate leafy headpiece. Sophie, 49, also went for neutral tones with an equally extravagant hat.

Guests watched performances by singer Laura Mvula, Glasgow’s Visual Statement dancers, the pipes and drums of Gordon’s School in Woking, Surrey, and a poetry reading by South ­African Phillippa Yaa de Villiers.

Malala Yousafzai, the 16-year-old shot in the head by the Pakistani Taliban for campaigning for women’s education, won applause for her address in which she complained that many nations fell far short of the Commonwealth’s ideals.

royals, hats, westminster abbey, commonwealth day, queen, duchess of cornwall, countess of wessex, fashion, outfits, commonwealth observance service, Camilla showed off an elaborate leaf design hat [GETTY]

She said: “Children face challenges every day in their lives when they go to school. In Pakistan, in India and in many parts of Africa there are many barriers to education such as poverty, lack of access, violence and cultural opposition.”

Earlier pupils at Robert Browning primary in Walworth, south London, gave Edward a cake and card and sang Happy Birthday when he joined an anti-bullying session.


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