'I wanted to rip my trousers off' William's fond memories of his Australia tour with Kate

PRINCE William spoke today of the fond memories he and Kate will take from their tour of Australia - as well as the cuddly toy that Prince George treasures.

By From Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, in Canberra

 William and Kate began winding up their royal tour of Australia and New Zealand today [PA]

He also revealed that when he and Kate visited Manly Beach in Sydney he would have liked to have ripped off his trousers and get down to his Speedos.

The second in line to the throne made what amounted to a farewell speech at a Parliament House reception hosted by Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott in Canberra,  a day before the young family wind up their trip and head home to Britain.

"Reluctantly, Catherine, George and I leave Australia tomorrow. Thank you for the warmth and generosity that has been shown to us during our visit," he said.


"We go away with wonderful memories, and George goes away with his cuddly wombat, which he has taken to chewing so lovingly.

"We greatly look forward to coming back. And when we do return, it will be to marvel again at all that Australia is, and will yet become."

Mr Abbott, an ardent monarchist, looked to a long future relationship between his country and the Crown.

"Many decades hence, when a currently unknowable Australian Prime Minister welcomes your son, King George VII to this building, that will be a sign of the stability and the continuity in the life of our nation," he told the couple in a welcoming speech.

At the reception for 600 guests at Parliament House, William and Kate, who was wearing an emerald green Catherine Walker dress, met film stars, Olympic athletes, fashion designers, decorated war heroes and politicians.

 The pair also planted an English oak tree at the National Arboretum [AFP/GETTY]

Kate Duchess of CambridgeKate Duchess of Cambridge opted for a green number [PA]

Thank you for the warmth and generosity that has been shown to us during our visit

Prince William

The couple separated and mingled with the crowds as security staff held ropes around each of them to prevent people getting too close.

Paul Murray, who has a TV show called Paul Murray Live, asked Prince William what his favourite bit of the tour was. 

Paul said: "William replied that it was the Blue Mountains, he also said Manly Beach was very beautiful and he acknowledged the visit he made to the hospice in Manly, too. I told him that we would name a State after Prince George if they agreed to stay longer but he just laughed and said 'No, that's ok'."

William also told guests that he had wanted to rip his trousers off on Manly Beach and reveal a pair of Speedos.

Vicki Kelly, wife of MP Craig Kelly, said: "Prince William said he was hoping to rip off his pants with velcro down at the beach with Tony Abbott to reveal their Speedos."

 Kate met some well-wishers who had gathered to see the couple [SPLASH]

 William gave a speech to Parliament recalling his favourite moments of the tour [GETTY]

Craig Kelly said: "This tour shows the Royal Family actually has a human face. Sometimes, it often seems to Australians that it is a lofty concept but the way they are here is different."

The reference to George's cuddly toy in William's speech was a rare light moment in an address that reflected William's growing gravitas and desire to achieve tangible results as a member of a monarchy increasingly aiming to do far more than cut a few ribbons.

The bulk of his speech was devoted to highlighting the issues that he and Kate have sought to focus on during their tour and setting out the Royal Family's respect for modern Australia, a nation no longer so closely tied to Britain, its former mother country.

"When Catherine and I arrived in Sydney last week, I said how much we had been looking forward to this visit.  

"Drawing on my own experience, I told Catherine that it would be wonderful, and so it has been.  Anticipation has become deep admiration.   

"There is so much to admire about Australia," he said.

 William said that Prince George was taken with the wombat he had been given [PA]

 The pair signed the visitor's book at the Arboretum [AP]

He paid tribute to Australia's indigenous people, following the couple's visit to the sacred Aboriginal sites at Uluru - Ayers Rock - and spoke of his passion for conservation.

He also discussed his admiration for Australia's military forces and the country's role as an economic powerhouse in the Asia-Pacific region.

He and Kate will round off their trip tomorrow by attending the annual ANZAC Day Commemoration in Canberra, marking the sacrifice of the country's military heroes dating back to the ill-fated 1915 Gallipoli campaign.

He indicated that next year he, Kate, and Prince Harry may travel to Turkey for the centenary commemorations or, if not, mark the occasion in London. Australian officials have suggested Prince Charles, who has been to Gallipoli before, or another senior member of the Royal Family is being lined up to attend the ceremony in Turkey. 

Aides said the plans had not been finalised.

As well as mingling with the great and good at Parliament House, the couple also planted an English Oak tree at Canberra's National Arboretum and met local schoolchildren.

Lillian Rowland, 15, from Alfred Deakin High School, said they discussed their recycling habits.

She said: "Kate said they were fanatical about recycling and when they have friends over if they put things in the wrong bin they will take it out and move it."

New parents Daniel and Janice Spackman, both 36, were there with six week old Elsie.

Daniel said: "William asked is she sleeping well?

"I said 'I think she's a bit disappointed George isn't here today'.

"William said it's probably a good thing George didn't come.

"His hands and feet tend to fly everywhere with other babies."

Kate Duchess of CambridgeThe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge sign the visitors book [AP]

In the afternoon, after attending the reception at Parliament House, the couple visited the National Portrait Gallery of Australia, where they met artists who have produced some of the gallery's most celebrated works.

Outside the gallery several hundred people had been waiting for hours to see the royal couple. One who waited for more than six hours was Valerie Malone, who who told Kate, "You have a beautiful baby.We would have loved to see him."

The Duchess replied "Thank you, but he has a very loud voice. If he'd been here today you would have heard him out here from him inside."

Kate in greenKate looked fantastic in bright green [AP]

 William also said that he had wanted to go for a swim on Bondi Beach [EPA]

Earlier at Parliament House, Kate confessed to one of the frustrations of royal life after chatting to a television presenter.

Network 10 anchor Angela Bishop, 38, who spoke to the Duchess about Aussie fashion, said: "She's so beautiful. I asked her about Australian fashion and she said she was really interested in the designers here.

"Kate said she really wanted to go out shopping and had been driving through cities looking out the window peering in to show windows. I think she was a little disappointed that she couldn't shop here."

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