Prince Harry turns TV repair man and fixes family's set so they can watch World Cup match

PRINCE Harry turned TV repair man yesterday, mending a family's set so they could watch their national team play Brazil in the World Cup.

By Richard Palmer in Valparaiso Chile, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry fixes TVPrince Harry repaired the TV of a family in Chile[PA]

The Prince was in the village of El Vergel, one of the many slums that cling to the hillsides overlooking Valparaiso in Chile, to see reconstruction efforts after a forest fire in April destroyed nine in ten of the self-made homes.

The charity Techo is helping the villagers to build new homes out of chipboard and corrugated iron, and inside one of the shacks, home to Coca Perez, 50, and her teenage son and daughter, Harry noticed their television was not working properly.

“He looked at it and he started to fiddle with the cable,” said Mrs Perez. “He managed to get it working so we could watch Chile playing Brazil later. Now I can tell everyone that Prince Harry is my TV repair man.”

Outside, the Prince, an Army captain, looked at the thousands of blackened tree stumps on the sides of a valley and was told that Techo had reinstated electricity, installed portable toilets and communal water tanks.

He told Mrs Perez: “The worst seems to be over and now it’s just a case of waiting.”

Mrs Perez replied: “We just have to wait and be patient. We have no choice.”

Harry, 29, was shown around the slum by Pia Mundaca, 24, the social director of Techo, who explained that 10,000 people in the Valparaiso region had been affected by the fires, including 20 per cent of all those living in slums. A total of 15 people were killed, though none died in El Vergel.

In the first house the Prince visited, Carolina Guzman, 33, became emotional and wiped away tears as she recounted the day the fire swept through her community.

She chatted with the Prince for 10 minutes in her cramped two room home with her son Gerald Perez, aged seven.

She said: "My husband was on another hill and I phoned him and said should I leave but he said 'no don't worry the fire is on the other side’."

But flames were soon close to the house and she had to shout for help to move her bed-ridden father-in-law.

She said: "I yelled and four of my neighbours came to help move him out. When my husband arrived our home was burning and he tried to put out the flames on our son's bed but we had to leave.

"I feel really moved to have met Harry and thankful and happy. I feel like crying.”

The Prince then went to the home of Adriana Jimenez Castillo, 58, who lives with her husband and 18-year-old granddaughter. Because the hut is so much smaller than their original home, just 15ft x 12ft, it is crammed full of possessions donated to them by local charities.

Mrs Castillo told the Prince: “We lost everything in the fire. All we could save was the dog and a handbag with our identity papers in it.

“I had saved up 2.5 million pesos (£2,500) to buy new living room and kitchen furniture, and I lost it all in the fire.”

The Prince asked: “If the government built new houses somewhere else, would you move?”

She replied: “No, because this is my home, I have lived here for 38 years. Even if they built me a palace I wouldn’t want to move.”

Her house was crammed with pots and pans, bags of clothes and other possessions piled up on one side of the single-room house.

“We used to have a two-storey house and you would walk downstairs into the kitchen in the morning. Now you wake up and boom - it’s all there in front of you,” she said.

The average wage of the slum-dwellers is around £250 per month, though few have full-time jobs.

Those who can afford it hope to build bigger homes for themselves to replace the tiny huts where they are now living.

Down in the city on the Pacific coast, Harry met some of the firefighters who battled the flames that day from Valparaiso's 11th Fire Company,, the British Volunteers.

Established in September 1901 under the patronage of the then Prince of Wales, later George V, the brigade is still manned by the descendents of mainly British and Spanish immigrants.

They are all volunteers, have to pay a small fee to join, and work nearly every weekend.

Ian Hardy, honorary British consul in Valparaiso said: "Valparaiso used to be Chile's capital and was the main port here so when the first immigrants-British, Italian, Spanish and German-arrived they came here.

"So many Chileans here in Valparaiso are descended from British settlers.

"I am third generation British/Chilean-my great-grandfather John Hardy came here in 1876 from Greenock in Scotland, to work for a local shipping company.

"He married a local woman, had six sons and here I am.

"More immigrants came at the start of the 20th century to settle here and made this their home.

"The very first volunteer firefighting company in Chile was established in Valparaiso in 1851, and the 11th company that Prince Harry visited today was founded in September 1901."  

Among the firefighters the Prince met was Gonzalo Alvarez, who found himself trying in vain to save his own house from burning down on April 12 this year during the great forest fires.

Gonzalo, 31, is a risk assesser for a copper mine, and works as a volunteer firefighter for the 11th Fire Company.

The father-of-two, a volunteer firefighter for 13 years, said: "We lost everything. Pictures, books, clothes, children's toys - all our memories.

"My wife and two young children were not there at the time, but my parents-in-law had to run for their lives.

"My wife was very shocked - now we hope to rebuild our home.

He recalled the scene. "I was at the station and drove the fire truck. I went to try and put out the fire but it was impossible," he said,

"I watched my family home burn down - I couldn't save it.

"I worked all through the time of the fire. I burnt my eyes from the smoke but I continued driving the truck."

Harry spent around 20 minutes chatting to the 30 or so membesr of the British Volunteers at their station in the centre of the city

They showed him their old uniforms, memorabilia from eight of their brigade who had been killed in the line of duty, and a variety of helmets.

Mr Alvarez said: "Prince Harry was very interested in our work, but he was quite surprised that we have to pay a small fee to volunteer, and that we don't receive any salary.

"He was also very surprised to see people living up in the hills in tents when it is so cold.

"I am lucky - I have a job so hopefully I can save the money to rebuild my home."

Harry also met local students and teachers from the British School in Valparaiso - and retired firefighters.

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