Deputy Mayoress misses Princess Anne's royal visit after getting TRAPPED in a lift

GETTING trapped in a lift represents some people's worst nightmare - but one local dignitary suffered the further embarrassment of missing a royal visit because of her predicament.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Princess Anne visiting the Hartlepool Yacht Club while Deputy Mayoress Mary Fleet, right, was stuck Princess Anne visiting the Hartlepool Yacht Club while Deputy Mayoress Mary Fleet, right, was stuck [GETTY/SWNS]

Deputy Mayoress of Hartlepool, Mary Fleet, missed her meeting with Princess Anne after her elevator jammed between floors.

Alongside other dignitaries, she was on her way to meet the Princess Royal at the Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club on Tuesday when their lift wedged itself three feet from the ground.

Five of those trapped managed to clamber out of the jammed lift and drop down to the ground below – but the Deputy Mayoress stayed put.

It was just my luck, the luck of the Fleets, to miss her

Mary Fleet, Deputy Mayoress of Hartlepool

Councillor Fleet – who is a pensioner – admitted that she "didn't dare try to get out" and was "embarrassed" by the incident.

While getting back to work performing her ceremonial duties yesterday, Deputy Mayoress Fleet said: "It was just my luck, the luck of the Fleets, to miss her. 

"Of course Princess Anne won't even have known I was there and I think everything else went according to plan.

"I didn't dare try to get out but there was a very nice young girl who managed to get chair in so I could sit down and I had my mayoral consort and friend, Councillor Sheila Griffin, with me.

"Everyone was really nice – but Geoff – our official driver was a bit annoyed on my behalf. 

"I was a bit embarrassed - there will be more jokes flying around than enough and everyone was talking about it"

It is thought the lift broke down because it was overloaded by too many people using it at one time.

A Cleveland Fire Brigade spokesperson said the fire crew were at the scene for over an hour until a lift engineer arrived.

Princess Anne, who is President of the Royal Yachting Association, was visiting to officially launch the Sailability Pontoon at the Commodore of Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club – a facility designed to help disabled members enjoy the sea.

The Queen's daughter flew-in by helicopter to visit the venue at Hartlepool Marina, which she officially opened back in 1998.

As Councillor Fleet was eyeing-up the three foot drop from her temporary seat inside the jammed lift, Princess Anne cut the ribbon on the £100,000 Sailability Pontoon training facility.

Councillor Fleet – who was wearing her best official suit and mayoral chains – has been a long-standing councillor and community activist in the Hartlepool area and has even met the Prime Minister in Downing Street.

But then again, there is no lift inside Number 10…

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