Prince Charles photographed with gun for first time in years during Sandringham shoot

PRINCE Charles was photographed out shooting for the first time in years today - and then tried to stop details of the shooting party being published.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles carries a shotgun at SandringhamALBANPIX

Prince Charles was seen carrying a gun on the Sandringham estate

The Royal Household is sensitive to criticism over Charles' support for blood sports, which could potentially damage his green image, and the heir to the throne is rarely seen with a gun.

But he was today spotted on a shooting party he was hosting on the Queen's 24,000-acre Sandringham estate in Norfolk.

It is believed to be the first time he has been pictured with a gun on a pheasant shoot since December 2008 and it came in the week that his elder son, the Duke of Cambridge, attended the Tusk Trust conservation awards and highlighted the plight of endangered species shot by poachers in Africa.

William, who is campaigning to save elephants, tigers, rhino and other species from extinction, faced criticism in February after flying off to Spain to go wild boar hunting only days before hosting an international conference on the illegal trade in parts from African and Asian animals.

Charles, 66, was out shooting today with a group of around eight friends.

He sent police to speak to the photographer - although they said the photographer was doing nothing wrong - and then got his officials to contact newspapers in an effort to stop details of the shooting party being published.

The Royal Family has tried to protect the privacy of the participants of royal shooting trips.

In December 2008 controversial pictures were alleged to show Prince Edward mistreating a gun dog at Sandringham. Despite an RSPCA investigation, Edward was cleared of all animal cruelty.

Palace officials claimed the royals have a reasonable expectation of privacy while on the estate but it is criss-crossed by public roads and public footpaths, from which the public can take pictures legally.

Shooting, while lawful, is a controversial sport. The Prince and his wife Camilla, 67, are believed to be hosting a country house break for friends at Sandringham House this weekend.

An onlooker said: "Charles looked every inch the country gentleman in his shooting jacket, flat cap and carrying his shepherd's crook stick.

"He did not appear to have a gun on one of the first drives of the day and seemed to be happy, playing host to his friends who were shooting.

"But on a later drive, he had a gun in his hands, suggesting that he was joining in the shooting of pheasants.

Prince Charles on the Sandringham EstateALBANPIX

Charles and Camilla are believed to be hosting a country house break for friends

Charles looked every inch the country gentleman in his shooting jacket, flat cap and carrying his shepherd's crook stick.

An onlooker

The Royal Household has increasingly tried to restrict the media from chronicling the lives of members of the Royal Family when they are off duty.

Earlier this year, the Civil Aviation Authority launched an investigation after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge complained about aerial photographs of their new country home, Anmer Hall, on the Sandringham estate.

The couple, who were said to have been present when a plane flew over the house, raised concerns the pilot may have been flying at a low level so the photographer could get his shots, a charge vehemently denied by both the pilot and photographer.

But today, the Daily Express can reveal, the CAA said it had dropped its investigation after deciding there was no evidence to support the concerns raised by the Royal Household.

A CAA spokesman said: "The CAA investigated an allegation of low flying over Anmer Hall in Norfolk on May 15 this year, but have found insufficient evidence to pursue the complaint."

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