Queen's Christmas Day speech urges peace and reconciliation

THE Queen evoked the spirit of the 1914 First World War Christmas Day truce in a yuletide message to the nation and Commonwealth today making the case for peace and reconciliation.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Christmas Broadcast 2014

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The Queen spoke of the First World War Christmas truce in her speech

“Sometimes it seems that reconciliation stands little chance in the face of war and discord. But, as the Christmas truce a century ago reminds us, peace and goodwill have lasting power in the hearts of men and women,” she said.

Speaking with the conviction of her faith, the devout 88-year-old monarch highlighted the importance of opposing sides in the Scottish independence referendum debate and Northern Ireland’s Troubles overcoming their differences.

She also spoke of her admiration for the selflessness of aid workers and medical volunteers who have gone abroad to help victims of conflict or of diseases such as Ebola, often at great personal risk.

The Queen, who wore a purple dress by Angela Kelly and a diamond and pearl brooch inherited from her grandmother, Queen Mary, recorded her annual address seated next to a table displaying separate pictures of her grandparents, George V and Mary.

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Her Majesty said she was stunned by the poppies

On the table there was also an embossed brass box, a Christmas gift for those serving overseas in 1914 organised by the Sailors & Soldiers Christmas Fund and filled with a variety of gifts including tobacco for smokers and chocolate for nurses.

Introducing her theme by discussing a sculpture called Reconciliation by Josefina de Vasconcellos of a husband and wife reunited after war, ­ casts of the artwork stand in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral, Belfast, and Berlin ­ the Queen recalled this year's centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.

She revealed she was stunned into silence at the breathtaking sight of more than 800,000 poppies filling the Tower of London moat to honour the dead of the 1914-1918 conflict when she and Prince Philip visited it in October.

“The ceramic poppies at the Tower of London drew millions, and the only possible reaction to seeing them and walking among them was silence. For every poppy a life; and a reminder of the grief of loved ones left behind,” she said.

Reconciliation is the peaceful end to conflict, and we were reminded of this in August when countries on both sides of the First World War came together to remember in peace

The Queen

The Queen, whose uncle Fergus, the Queen Mother's brother, was killed at the Battle of Loos in 1915, highlighted the truce at that first Christmas of the conflict, when soldiers on both sides played football against each other at various points on the front line.

"Without any instruction or command, the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in No Man's Land.

“Photographs were taken and gifts exchanged,” she said.

Black and white photos of the opposing forces meeting over the 1914 Christmas period were shown during the broadcast, recorded earlier this month in Buckingham Palace's state dining room.

She said sport was a wonderful way of bringing together people and highlighted the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow this year and Prince Harry’s Invictus Games for wounded warriors, which took place in London in September.

The monarch has played her own part in helping to seal the peace process in Northern Ireland and recalled: "The benefits of reconciliation were clear to see when I visited Belfast in June.

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She also spoke of the Scottish referendum

"While my tour of the set of Game Of Thrones may have gained most attention, my visit to the Crumlin Road Gaol will remain vividly in my mind.

"What was once a prison during the Troubles is now a place of hope and fresh purpose; a reminder of what is possible when people reach out to one another, rather like the couple in the sculpture."

The Queen, who controversially intervened in the Scottish referendum debate by urging voters to “think very carefully” when the pro-independence campaign seemed on the verge of victory, acknowledged there was more to be done north of the border.

“In Scotland after the referendum many felt great disappointment, while others felt great relief; and bridging these differences will take time,” she said.

As the Royal Marines Band was featured playing the Christmas carol Silent Night, the Queen told how the life of Jesus was an inspiration and an anchor in her life.

She said: "Christ's example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people, of whatever faith or none."

As the military band played the carol, the Queen ended her address with the words: "On that chilly Christmas Eve in 1914 many of the German forces sang Silent Night, its haunting melody inching across the line.

"That carol is still much-loved today, a legacy of the Christmas truce, and a reminder to us all that even in the unlikeliest of places hope can still be found.

"A very happy Christmas to you all."

After her speech, merry Britons took to Twitter to applaude Her Majesty.

One user said: "Inspiring messages of hope, peace and reconciliation. Important in our broken world today."

While another posted: "The Queen's Speech is always a highlight of Christmas Day."

Elsewhere, another user tweeted: "Loved the Queen's speech, she's so adorable."


In the ruins of the old Coventry Cathedral is a sculpture of a man and a woman reaching out to embrace each other. The sculptor was inspired by the story of a woman who crossed Europe on foot after the war to find her husband.

Casts of the same sculpture can be found in Belfast and Berlin, and it is simply called Reconciliation.

Reconciliation is the peaceful end to conflict, and we were reminded of this in August when countries on both sides of the First World War came together to remember in peace.

The ceramic poppies at the Tower of London drew millions, and the only possible reaction to seeing them and walking among them was silence. For every poppy a life; and a reminder of the grief of loved ones left behind.

No one who fought in that war is still alive, but we remember their sacrifice and indeed the sacrifice of all those in the armed forces who serve and protect us today.

In 1914, many people thought the war would be over by Christmas, but sadly by then the trenches were dug and the future shape of the war in Europe was set.

But, as we know, something remarkable did happen that Christmas, exactly a hundred years ago today.

Without any instruction or command, the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in No Man's Land. Photographs were taken and gifts exchanged. It was a Christmas truce.

Truces are not a new idea. In the ancient world a truce was declared for the duration of the Olympic Games and wars and battles were put on hold.

Sport has a wonderful way of bringing together people and nations, as we saw this year in Glasgow when over 70 countries took part in the Commonwealth Games.

It is no accident that they are known as the Friendly Games. As well as promoting dialogue between nations, the Commonwealth Games pioneered the inclusion of para-sports within each day's events.

As with the Invictus Games that followed, the courage, determination and talent of the athletes captured our imagination as well as breaking down divisions.

The benefits of reconciliation were clear to see when I visited Belfast in June. While my tour of the set of Game Of Thrones may have gained most attention, my visit to the Crumlin Road Gaol will remain vividly in my mind.

What was once a prison during the Troubles is now a place of hope and fresh purpose; a reminder of what is possible when people reach out to one another, rather like the couple in the sculpture.

Of course, reconciliation takes different forms. In Scotland after the referendum many felt great disappointment, while others felt great relief; and bridging these differences will take time.

Bringing reconciliation to war or emergency zones is an even harder task, and I have been deeply touched this year by the selflessness of aid workers and medical volunteers who have gone abroad to help victims of conflict or of diseases like Ebola, often at great personal risk.

For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose birth we celebrate today, is an inspiration and an anchor in my life.

A role model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing. Christ's example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people, of whatever faith or none.

Sometimes it seems that reconciliation stands little chance in the face of war and discord. But, as the Christmas truce a century ago reminds us, peace and goodwill have lasting power in the hearts of men and women.

On that chilly Christmas Eve in 1914 many of the German forces sang Silent Night, its haunting melody inching across the line.

That carol is still much-loved today, a legacy of the Christmas truce, and a reminder to us all that even in the unlikeliest of places hope can still be found.

A very happy Christmas to you all.

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