50 fun facts about Sophie, Countess of Wessex at 50

TODAY, Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex celebrates her fiftieth birthday.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Sophie Countess of Wessex poses for Official Photographs taken to celebrate her 50th birthday GETTY

Sophie Countess of Wessex poses for Official Photographs taken to celebrate her 50th birthday

In celebration of the past half century, the Express Online has put together 50 fun facts to provide a detailed look at Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones, the Countess of Wessex.

1. Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones was born at Radcliffe Infirmary, in Oxford, on 20 January 1965. She is the second child and first daughter of Christopher Bournes Rhys-Jones and wife Mary (née O'Sullivan)

2. Her Royal Highness has an elder brother, David, 51. 

3. Father Christopher, a retired sales director for an importer of industrial tyres and rubber goods, picked the name Helen as a tribute to his sister – who died in a riding accident over a decade earlier. 

4. Sophie Rhys-Jones' Godfather is Thane Bettany – an actor who starred in Doctor Who during the 1980s and is the father of popular Marvel actor Paul Bettany and father-in-law of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Connelly. 

Since devoting her time to her Royal duties, the Countess has become Patron or President of more than 70 separate organisations

5. Sophie was brought up in Brenchley, in Kent where she attended Dulwich Preparatory School – an independent school which counts Tana Ramsay and Junior triathlete Champion Oliver Freeman among its alumni. 

6. The future Countess of Wessex, whose family is descendant from King Henry II of France, then moved to Kent College, a Methodist girls independent day and boarding school, in Pembury – where she met Sarah Sienesi. 

7. Sophie shared a flat in Fulham with Ms Sienesi later in life and asked her childhood friend to be her Lady-in-Waiting in 2009. Ms Sienesi is rumoured to have helped with the wedding preparations for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

8. Following in the footsteps of her mother Mary, Sophie began training as a secretary at West Kent College, in Tonbridge.

9. But the future Royal's career in fact started in public relations, a position in which she would find a considerable amount of success.

10. For four years Sophie worked in the press and promotions department for Capital Radio, as well as public relations positions in companies such as The Quentin Bell Organisation and MacLaurin before spending a year working and travelling around Australia. Ms Rhys-Jones later took a job as a ski rep in Switzerland.

Sophie Rhys-Jones arrives for her wedding with Britain's Prince Edward, the youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II GETTY

Sophie Rhys-Jones arrives for her wedding with Britain's Prince Edward

11. Scandal hit Sophie Rhys-Jones when a photograph was published of her with her top pulled down. The photo was taken in a taxi during an outside broadcast for Capital Radio with then Breakfast Show presenter Chris Tarrant and was leaked in 1999.

12. The successful public relations employee met Prince Edward, the youngest son of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, at a real tennis charity event in the summer of 1993.

13. The pair started a romantic relationship soon after their initial encounter.

14. In 1996, Sophie officially launched her own public relations agency – called RJH Public Relations – which she ran with business partner, Murray Harkin.

15. The engagement of Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones and Prince Edward was officially announced on Wednesday January 6 1999.

16. Prince Edward proposed to girlfriend of six years Sophie with an engagement ring topped with a two-carat oval diamond and bookended by two heart-shaped gemstones all set in 18-carat white gold.

17. The staggering engagement ring was made by a royal jeweller Asprey and Garrard, and is worth an estimated £105,000.

18. The couple were wed on Saturday June 19 1999 at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. They chose not to follow in the footsteps of Edward's older siblings, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles and Princess Anne who celebrated with large, formal ceremonies at Westminster Abbey or St Paul's Cathedral. Even the then-Prime Minister Tony Blair was not invited.

19. Sophie’s full title and style is Her Royal Highness The Princess Edward, Countess of Wessex, Viscountess Severn GCVO DStJ.

20. The Countess of Wessex is a descendant of Edward III and several peers – according to one expert, she is the 11th cousin of her husband.

Countess of Wessex receives a bouquet of flowers from Lucy Upton during a Guides reception GETTY

The Countess of Wessex receives a bouquet of flowers from Lucy Upton during a Guides reception

21. On the day of the wedding, it was announced that Prince Edward had become a hereditary peer as Earl of Wessex and had gained the subsidiary title of Viscount Severn. The Queen also revealed her intention that he become the next Duke of Edinburgh when the title reverts to the Crown.

22. Rather than court dress, the happy couple instead requested guests attend the wedding in formal evening gowns, and should NOT wear hats – to reflect the more informal nature of the royal wedding. However, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother – who was rarely seen in public without a hat – disobeyed the rules and attended the wedding with a formal hat.

23. Andrew, Duke of York and Charles, Prince of Wales served as their brother Edward's supporters – the Royal equivalent of a Best Man.

24. Since becoming a member of the Royal Family in 1999, the Countess of Wessex has performed an estimated 3,250 engagements in the UK and overseas.

25. Christopher Bournes Rhys-Jones walked his only daughter down the aisle, after arriving with Sophie in a Rolls Royce owned by the Queen.

26. In another break from tradition, the four girls and boys who carried the train of Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones' wedding dress, which was designed by Samantha Shaw, were all commoners – the first time it had occurred in a royal wedding.

27. During the ceremony, Sophie wore a diamond tiara borrowed from the Queen's private collection and a pearl necklace given to her by Prince Edward for the couple's wedding. Sophie had given him an 18-karat gold pocket watch.

28. After the ceremony, the newly-wed Earl and Countess of Wessex rode in an open, horse-drawn carriage to the reception in St George's Hall at Windsor Castle, passing thousands of well-wishers en-route – 8,000 people were then picked at random and invited into the Castle Grounds for the celebrations.

29. Some 200million viewers across the globe watched the broadcast of the wedding – compared to the 750million that tuned in for the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana in July 1981 and the estimated 2billion that watched the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

30. Following the union, Prince Edward, who is the only one of the Queen’s children not to have suffered a marriage break-up, and his new wife moved to Bagshot Park, their home in Surrey.

The Countess of Wessex with the Duchess of Cambridge for the annual Remembrance Sunday ceremonies GETTY

The Countess of Wessex with the Duchess of Cambridge for the annual Remembrance Sunday ceremonies

31. In 2001, News of the World undercover reporter Mazher Mahmood – dubbed the Fake Sheikh – recorded the Countess of Wessex making derogatory remarks about certain government members and appearing to use her new status as a Royal in order to help gain clientele for her company, RJH Public Relations. Buckingham Palace branded the reported comments as "selective, distorted and in several cases, flatly untrue".

32. In December of that same year, Sophie Rhys-Jones was rushed to the King Edward VII Hospital after feeling gravely ill. Doctors discovered the Countess was suffering from a potentially life-threatening ectopic pregnancy – a complication which sees the embryo become implanted outside the uterine cavity and can lead to severe internal haemorrhaging.

33. Two years later, on 8 November 2003, the Countess of Wessex prematurely gave birth to her first child, Louise, after a "sudden placental abruption" put her and child at risk. Frimley Park Hospital performed the emergency caesarean section while the Earl of Essex rushed back from Royal duties he was attending in Mauritius.

34. The Countess returned to Frimley Park Hospital some four years later, on 17 December 2007, to give birth, again by caesarean section, to her son, James, Viscount Severn.

35. Following the divorces of Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, when the The Queen Mother died in 2002, Sophie Rhys-Jones became the second highest-ranking woman in Britain's order of precedence. Around the same time, both the Earl and Countess publicly revealed the couple would quit their private business interests and jobs in order to focus entirely on their royal duties.

36. Sophie is a self-confessed Doctor Who fan. Last year held a reception at Buckingham Palace to honour the Time Lord’s 50th anniversary where she met former Doctors including Tom Baker, Peter Davison, John Hurt and Matt Smith.

37. Since devoting her time to her Royal duties, the Countess has become Patron or President of more than 70 separate organisations.

38. The Earl and Countess of Wessex, with children 11-year-old Lady Louise Windsor and seven-year-old James, Viscount Severn have two dogs Martha and Willow. 

39. Neither child carries the Prince or Princess moniker – a decision made by the couple and announced by Her Majesty via a Buckingham Palace press release.

40. The Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba-in-Council, a province in Canada, has named two Lakes after each of the Countess' children to recognise an official visit by her husband.

Prince Edward and Sophie, Countess of Wessex depart from the wedding ceremony of Princess Madeleine of Sweden GETTY

Prince Edward and Sophie, Countess of Wessex depart from the wedding ceremony of Princess Madeleine

41. By 2006, the Countess decided to lend her support to the Born in Bradford research project – a charity investigating the causes of low birth weight and infant mortality.

42. In 2013 Sophie became the first royal patron of the London College of Fashion.

43. Sophie was hit by controversy when she and Edward dropped in to see the Royal family of Bahrain as they returned from Afghanistan as the Countess of Wessex accepted two sets of jewels by the king and the country’s prime minister, Due to concerns about human right abuses in Bahrain many calling for the jewels to be sold, and proceeds of the sale given for the benefit of the Bahraini people.

44. During the Diamond Jubilee the royal pair visited Saint Lucia, Barbados, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, Anguilla and Antigua and Barbuda in February and March 2012. 

45. Sophie's mother, Mary O'Sullivan was a secretary while her father Christopher Bournes Rhys-Jones, now aged 84, was a Sales Director for an importer of industrial tyres and rubber goods.

46. Prior to marriage, Sophie Rhys-Jones had her arms redesigned by the Garter Principal King of Arms Sir Peter Gwynn-Jones, based on a 200 year old previous coat of arms, which had never been officially recognised.

47. Her Royal Highness is a keen sportswoman and enjoys walking, running, and riding. Other hobbies include sailing, tennis and reading.

48. The couple's wedding cake was adorned with tennis rackets – referring to how the Countess and Prince Edward met and reflecting the couple's shared love of the sport.

49. In 2010, the Queen awarded Sophie the Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order – her highest seal of approval – and indicative of her standing in her mother-in-law’s eyes.

50. The Queen is said to enjoy the closest relationship of all her children with her youngest son Edward, also 50, and sometimes arrives unannounced at Bagshot Park, the home he shares with Sophie near Windsor, to share tea with her two youngest grandchildren who are respectively ninth and tenth in line to the throne. 

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