One's staff is revolting: Queen faces industrial action at Windsor over low pay

THE Queen is facing a revolt by staff at Windsor Castle who have voted to take industrial action in a row over pay.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen and windsor castleGETTY

The strike will be the first time the castle staff have taken action not part of a wider dispute

Members of the Public and Commercial Services union voted for action short of a strike starting from as early as the end of this month, with 84 per cent in favour on an 82 per cent turnout.

It will be the first time staff at the castle have taken part in industrial action that is not part of a wider national dispute.

The 76 wardens involved in the row are employed by the Royal Collection Trust and have decided to stop undertaking unpaid extra duties such as giving tours of the castle to tourists, providing first aid, and acting as interpreters for foreign visitors.

The staff say that in return for reluctantly accepting an unsatisfactory pay offer last year, they were promised that additional allowances would be offered this year for the unpaid duties they perform but the Royal Collection Trust, which manages the castle and charges tourists for some of the services, has reneged on the deal.

These loyal workers are the public face of Windsor Castle and with this vote their message to their employer is loud and clear

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “These loyal workers are the public face of Windsor Castle and with this vote their message to their employer is loud and clear.

“Staff should be properly rewarded for their commitment to ensuring visitors from around the world can fully enjoy their time at the castle.”

Prince Charles is chairman of the trust, which last year made a surplus of £8.3 million on income of £54.9 million. The union said new wardens started on £14,400, less than the living wage.

A Royal Collection Trust spokesman said: “Following the union ballot, we have been informed that some PCS-affiliated wardens at Windsor Castle will no longer participate in various activities undertaken during their working day, including using their language and first-aid skills, and conducting tours of specific areas of the castle during August and September.

“These activities have never been compulsory. It has always been the choice of the individual as to whether they take part. While the outcome of the ballot is disappointing, it will have no effect on services to visitors to the castle.”

However, the union insisted that a withdrawal of goodwill would have a significant impact on the service provided to visitors to the castle, the Queen’s favourite royal residence.

The two sides are still discussing this year’s pay round and the trust said it had offered to raise the starting pay for wardens to £14,695, the regional living wage, for a 36-hour week.

In spite of the dispute, the Queen has moved the court to Windsor for a month as usual. Inside the castle, she and Prince Philip hosted a lunch yesterday for members of the Order of Merit, which comprises leading figures from national life including conductor Sir Simon Rattle and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough.

Playwright Sir Tom Stoppard, former Australian prime minister John Howard, and Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the worldwide web, were also there as members.

The Order of Merit, created by Edward VII in 1902, is a special award presented to a maximum of 24 Britons and additional foreign recipients of great achievement in the fields of the arts, learning, literature, science and other areas such as public service.

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