Nigel Farage blasts foreign office over 'using' Prince William for pro-EU agenda

NIGEL Farage today hit out at the Foreign Office for using Prince William to pursue its pro-EU agenda.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince WilliamGETTY

Prince William meets staff as he visits the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The Duke of Cambridge risked controversy by hailing the benefits of Britain's partnerships with other nations today as David Cameron sought support for his EU reform package in Brussels.

Nigel Farage took to Twitter to slam the department, he wrote: "Clear that Prince William has been used by our Foreign Office and the pro-EU establishment."

In a speech to British diplomats at the Foreign Office, Prince William spoke out in favour of the political and economic benefits of working with other countries in international institutions.

He did not mention the European Union by name but his remarks at such a sensitive time drew comparison with a speech that the Queen gave in Germany last year that upset some Eurosceptic MPs.

"In an increasingly turbulent world, our ability to unite in common action with other nations is essential. It is the bedrock of our security and prosperity and is central to your work," he told the diplomats.

Prince WilliamGETTY

Prince William did not mention the EU by name

"Right now, the big questions with which you wrestle - in the UN, NATO, the Middle East and elsewhere - are predicated on your commitment to working in partnership with others."

In an increasingly turbulent world, our ability to unite in common action with other nations is essential

Prince William

In his speech, William - who was accompanied by his foreign policy advisor Sir David Manning, the former diplomat who advised Tony Blair in Downing Street - praised internationalism as a key British value along with tolerance and service that the Royal Family and the Foreign Office shared.

"For centuries, Britain has been an outward looking nation. Hemmed in by sea, we have always sought to explore what is beyond the horizon," he said.

"That sense of mission and curiosity is something that I know continues to drive our economy, our cultural and educational exports and our Armed Forces and Diplomatic Service. And wherever we go, we have a long and proud tradition of seeking out allies and partners."

He said that he and his audience were all fundamentally servants of Queen and country and he praised his grandmother's work on the world stage during her long reign.

"As the Queen approaches her 90th birthday, it is worth reflecting on the unparalleled role that the Queen has played in foreign relations and with world leaders during 63 years of unbroken service to the nation and Commonwealth.

"This is the same duty to the nation and commitment to the wider common good that I see in Her Majesty's diplomats as I travel around the world," he told his audience in the ornate Locarno Reception Room at the Foreign Office.

The second in line to the throne praised the work of British diplomats on preventing sexual violence in conflict, abolition of the death penalty, and championing the human rights of minorities.

He said he knew how much that meant to some of the refugees he met.

"I know from my own work with vulnerable young people, many of whom have fled unspeakably awful situations abroad, how much it means to them that their human rights are defended by this nation overseas," he said.

A Kensington Palace spokesman later insisted: "The speech was not about Europe."

That did not convince some sceptics, however, who pointed to the Queen's controversial intervention on the Scottish independence referendum in September 2014 when she told well-wishers at Crathie Kirk near Balmoral: "Well, I hope people will think very carefully about the future."

At the time Buckingham Palace insisted it was an off-the-cuff remark and not intended to influence the vote, which came four days later.

But in a blow to the credibility of the Royal Household, it later transpired that the Queen's comment had been scripted by her private secretary Sir Christopher Geidt and the Cabinet secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood amid fears at Westminster that the Scots would vote to break up the United Kingdom.

A couple of weeks later, David Cameron was caught on film telling the former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg: "The definition of relief is being the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and ringing the Queen and saying: 'It's all right, it's OK'. That was something. She purred down the line."

William, 33, presented the inaugural awards to graduates of the Foreign Office's year-old Diplomatic Academy, set up to improve the training and skills of its staff.

Later he met staff in the academy before touring the Foreign Office crisis management centre in the building's basement to see how staff respond at short notice to terrorist atrocities or natural disasters affecting British citizens.

When he walked into the room he joked about how eerily quiet the large open plan room was and the staff laughed.


Prince WilliamGETTY

Prince William's remarks come at a very sensitive time in the EU debate

He asked Joanna Roper, the FCO's director of consular what the threshold for a crisis was and she replied "If it feels like it, it is a crisis".

William chatted to the rapid deployment team who are standby to leave the country at two-hour's notice. He met team members who flew out to Tunisia last year after a terrorist beach attack killed 30 British holidaymakers in the resort of Sousse.

The future King told the group "What I saw from the outside it seemed extremely well handled," and before leaving told them "well done".

Martin O'Neill the group's team leader said about Tunisia: "We were there the following morning, our job was to help the British national affected get back to the UK, help the injured, identify the deceased and get them back."

He told William: "We got all of them back - the deceased and the injured."

Commenting on the reports that a speech given by Prince William Duke of Cambridge was a signal that the UK should stay in the European Union the CEO of Leave.EU, Liz Bilney, said,

"His Royal Highness talk to diplomats about maintaining partnerships as crucial to our country's interests is of course right, but it is taking a leap to suggest that this means we have to stay inside a failing institution like the European Union that does not always represent our interests or our views. 

"Commentators with a keen eye might have noticed that he listed organisations he presumably felt valuable, such as NATO and the United Nations, but did not explicitly state the European Union.

"I could just as easily claim that this commission signalled Prince William believes we should not give any importance to the EU, but I would not wish to be so presumptuous."

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