WATCH: Misfiring Kate sends dart flying towards crowds as spectators dodge missile

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge gamely took on Bhutan’s versions of archery and darts but missed the target - even though they were spared traditional tactics used to put off competitors.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, Laura Mowat

The Duchess of Cambridge throws a dart in Bhutan

William and Kate had witnessed a group of women chanting obscenely about the appearance of one group of male archers to put them off. 

But their hosts retained a sense of decorum when the guests from the land of Robin Hood and Henry V’s longbowmen bravely had a go. 

They were given their own traditional bamboo bows and arrows to take home as a souvenir and then took up the chance to have a go at archery, Bhutan’s national sport. 

But, firing from about 50 yards away, William’s two arrows overshot the target, heading for the road behind a grassy bank at Changlingmethang National Archery Ground in the Bhutanese capital, Thimphu.  

“Did that clear the bank? Because it looked like it did. I don’t want to cause a crash,” William said after his first effort. His second proved no more successful. 

The Royal couple got involved in games in BhutanPA

The Royal couple got involved in games in Bhutan

“I hope I haven’t killed a driver or that man on the bridge,” he added. 

Archery is hugely popular in Bhutan but injuries from competitors hitting spectators are one of the most common reasons for people being admitted to hospital. 

With a large media pack looking vulnerable standing on one side of the 30 yard wide field, Kate too had a go with her bow. 

“You’ll be fine. You should try to shoot up in the air,” William told her. 

But her first effort only went about 20 yards, falling near but not dangerously near the royal press pack. 

“Sorry, “ she said, giggling. 

Despite her first effort, she agreed to have a second go but that missed too. 

She decided not to have a third go. 

She and William were no more successful when they tried out Khuru, the nation’s second most popular sport which was developed by cow herders who would fashion large darts out of tree branches and bird feathers. 


William joked he hoped his throwing didn't cause a crash

They watched women competitors throwing the darts at a target, hoping to score a Karey a hit. 

But when Kate had a go she nearly scored a direct hit on a group of women players. 

Her dart fell just short of one of them and a second attempt went wide. 

“So sorry,” she said again. William’s efforts fell short but at least were heading towards the target. 

The royal couple, who passed up the chance to try out another Bhutanese sport  dae-gor, a version of boules played with rocks - were welcomed to the archery ground by the King’s half-brother and national heartthrob, Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck. 

After a cup of tea and snacks, he explained the rudiments of Bhutanese archery to the couple: the archers compete in teams based at either end of a 450ft long field, firing at wooden targets. 

William and Kate arriving at Bhutan Airport

The men sing songs to celebrate hitting the target and are cheered on by women supporters who sing songs of support for their own men and obscene chants to try to distract their rivals. William and Kate stood and watched as the archers showed off their skills, hitting the target from 450ft away, as a group of women sang soothing songs of support. 

“That’s amazing. That’s the furthest I’ve ever seen anyone fire a bow and arrow,” he said. When another archer stepped up, the women began singing short, louder verses, sounding more like football fans. 

“Very good distraction songs,” William said, laughing. 

But it was only after he had moved away that Sonam Karma, a Bhutanese Olympic Committee official who works closely with Pirince Jigyel explained just how rude some of the songs were about the competitors. “They are singing obscenities,” he said. 

Asked to translate them, he said: “You’re bald. You’re a baldy. Your nose is really big. We hope your private parts are as big.” 

Many archers and their fans join in the traditional taunts but, as alcohol is also heavily consumed at archery competitions across Bhutan, it can lead to drunken brawls and archery hooliganism. 


The couple received gifts when they arrived at the airport

Earlier, the royal couple were welcomed to Bhutan with symbols of friendship from the mountainous country.

After a private audience with King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema, they will private dinner with them.

Their itinerary includes a trek up a mountain to visit the Tiger's Nest monastery and watch a competitive game of archery, which is the country's national sport.

Royal coupleGetty

The royal couple are on a seven-day tour of India and Bhutan

The pair flew on a chartered jet operated by Royal Bhutan Airlines from Guwahati in India, where they were allowed into the cockpit to admire the impressive views.

When the plane touched the ground, the Cambridges were welcomed to the capital by the nation's monarch, known as the Dragon King, and his Queen in a colourful ceremony at Thimphu Dzong, a 400- year old fortress that now serves as a civic centre.

The Dragon King and Queen work out of a palace but live in a bungalow down the hill.

William, 33, and Kate, 34, were given the honour of taking part in a Chipdrel, a traditional welcome procession, complete with music, ceremonial dress, and colour.

Inside the Dzong, they had a private audience with the King and Queen, bowing and curtseying to their royal hosts.

The King and Queen led the Duke and Duchess across the Dzong’s vast courtyard across to a temple where they receiveda brief blessing and lit butter lamps.

The Duke and Duchess will take part in a Chipdrel, which is a traditional welcome procession with ceremonial dress. 

William and Kate are due to return to India on Saturday, where they have so far fed orphaned baby rhinos and elephants at a wildlife park in Assam and met survivors of 2008's Mumbai attacks.

Over the next two days the couple will trek up a mountain to visit the famous Tiger's Nest monastery. 

They will also watch a competitive game of archery, the kingdom's national sport.

royal couplePA

The couple pose for a photo with the sister of the King of Bhutan Chhimi Yangzom and her husband

William and Kate, who had flown to Guwahati on a private jet after staying overnight in Kaziranga National Park, sat in the front passenger seats for the short flight.

The descent by plane into Paro, which involves a sharp turn to avoid a mountain, is not for the faint-hearted - some passengers clapped with relief when the plane touched down - but the royal couple were invited into the cockpit to get a better view.

Bhutan, sandwiched between India and China, was once an isolated land which only opened its doors to tourists in the 1970s.

TV was only introduced in the 1990s and the former absolute monarchy waited until 2008 to become a constitutional one with an elected government.

True to its Buddhist beliefs, the country places an emphasis on gross national happiness rather than its gross domestic product.

Britain's Government has sent William and Kate to Bhutan to show support for the 36-year-old King and his wife's efforts to nurture democracy and increase the economic wealth of the country while maintaining their happiness.

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