Queen security review after intruder scales Palace wall

POLICE were reviewing royal security last night after a man scaled a wall at Buckingham Palace and spent seven minutes inside the grounds while the Queen was there.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent


Palace security will be reviewed after a man was able to scale the walls and enter the gorunds

The unarmed 41-year-old was arrested after triggering the alarm system. He was held on suspicion of trespassing on a protected site. Senior officers, who review palace security after any breach, refused to say exactly where the man entered the 40-acre garden on Wednesday in case others tried to copy him.

Hours later, the Queen seemed unperturbed by the alert when she attended a Palace garden party for 8,000 guests today. Looking relaxed, she chatted to guests and revealed that she asks her grandchildren to help with her computer.

Senior police officers insisted they are happy with security and the length of time it took to arrest the intruder.

Once somebody is over that wall, unless you catch them immediately, there’s no telling where they might go

Former protection officer, Ken Wharfe

Commander Adrian Usher, head of the Scotland Yard’s Royalty and Specialist Protection unit, said: “I’m content that our security measures worked effectively on this occasion and at no time was any individual at risk.”

However Princess Diana’s former protection officer, Ken Wharfe, said seven minutes was too long. He said: “It is a hell of a long time. Ten seconds is a long time, a minute is a long time. In 10 seconds you could run 50 yards... into the front door of where the Queen lives.”


A Father4Justice campaigner was able to scale palace walls in 2004

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, who had earlier attended the State Opening of Parliament, were inside when the intruder climbed the wall and triggered the alarm at 8.37pm.

Mr Wharfe, a security consultant, said: “Once somebody is over that wall, unless you catch them immediately, there’s no telling where they might go.

“This is a massive area and the whole grounds are covered with plants and herbaceous borders. It’s not an easy task. But another former royalty protection officer, Dai Davies, praised the police for their “quick response”.

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Buckingham PalaceGETTY

The intruder was able to spend seven minutes inside the Palace grounds

Mr Davies said: “He was caught by the police very quickly and the system seems to have worked, which is the main thing.”

In 2013, a 37-year-old man got into the main building and in November fathers’ rights campaigners climbed onto the roof of the Queen’s Gallery. The most famous breach was in 1982 when unemployed Michael Fagan, 31, reached the Queen’s bedroom and talked to her for 10 minutes before the alarm was raised.


the Queen was at Buckingham Palace at the time of the intrusion

At the garden party today the 90-year-old monarch gave her verdict on modern technology. She seeks help with her computer and revealed that she dislikes her grandchildren spending too much time on their phones.

Four days earlier Princess Beatrice, 27, had been photographed playing with her phone while she was sitting behind the Queen at the 90th birthday celebration.

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