Queen sends her SECOND ever tweet as she thanks the world for wishing her a happy birthday

THE Queen sent only her second ever message on Twitter today to tweet her thanks to people who wished her a happy 90th birthday on social media.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The monarch sent out a tweet thanking all of the well-wishers for the birthday wishesGETTY

The monarch sent out a tweet thanking all of the well-wishers for the birthday wishes

She wrote: "I am most grateful for the many digital messages of goodwill I have received and would like to thank you all for your kindness."

The monarch signed off the rare message 'Elizabeth R'.

I am most grateful for the many digital messages of goodwill I have received and would like to thank you all for your kindness


Just in case royal fans missed the sovereign's input, the Royal Family's official Twitter account declared: "This tweet was personally sent by Her Majesty The Queen."

The Queen sent her first ever tweet in October 2014 when she opened a new exhibition at London's Science Museum with the message: "It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ScienceMuseum and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R."

There was some controversy over that first message, however, after some claimed that the message had actually been sent by a palace official and not by her. 

Buckingham Palace insisted it had been the Queen who had sent the first message. 

Lewis Wiltshire, senior director of media partnerships at Twitter UK, said: "The Queen’s milestone birthday was a huge occasion on Twitter, with users expressing their love and admiration for Her Majesty’s lifelong commitment on her 90th birthday.

"It’s really exciting to see The Queen directly respond to the Great British public for their birthday wishes on the platform with her second ever tweet."

The Royal Family's official Twitter account posted a picture of the Queen at Windsor Castle about to press 'send' on her tweet.

It showed the monarch in the ornate white drawing room, sitting at a desk on which was placed a raised tablet. 

The Queen, dressed in a pink dress decorated with orange and blue flowers and wearing pearls, had one finger poised, ready to tap the screen.

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