I recognise that face! Prince Charles giggles at papier mache of Prince Harry

PRINCE Charles dissolved into a fit of giggles when he spotted his younger son immortalised in papier mache today.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Charles and HarryPA

Prince Charles recognised a papier mache version of his youngest son Prince Harry

Asked if he recognised anyone in a row of royal heads made from old newspapers and wallpaper paste, the heir to the throne cried out "Harry" when he caught sight of a bright pink ball with eyes, nose and a ginger beard and hair made from string.

Charles, 67, and Camilla, 69, came across the papier mache figures as they toured the Sandringham Flower Show in Norfolk.

The heads depicting everyone from the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, were created by pupils from nearby Flitcham Church of England Primary School.

If you turned it upside down it would look the same with that beard

Prince Charles

Angela Eden, the school's head teacher, had asked the royal couple if they recognised anyone before the heir to the throne erupted with laughter.

Charles joked: "If you turned it upside down it would look the same with that beard."

Mrs Eden sprang into action and turned the head over and Charles said: "No, that's cruel".

CAmilla pointing at papier mache headPA

Camilla spots her own portrayal created by the children at Filtcham School

Prince CharlesPA

Prince Charles was reduced to fits of laughter as he inspected the heads

Papier aches headsPA

The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall enjoy at the Sandringham Flower Show

The Prince spent a few moments longer chatting to staff from the school before his wife playfully patted his bottom to move him along.

Mrs Eden said afterwards: "We're a small school, there's only about 70 of us and the younger children worked with the older ones to make the display.

"We wanted to do something that would attract or interest the Royal Family so we decided on the papier mache heads. Prince Harry's my favourite. We all like Harry."

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