Brexit CHARM OFFENSIVE: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Paris to meet Hollande

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge kicked off a royal charm offensive in Europe ahead of Brexit negotiations when they went to Paris today.

By Richard Palmer in Paris, Royal Correspondent

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge meet PM Hollande in Paris

They met President Francois Hollande at the Elysee Palace at the start of a two-day official visit to the French capital that heralds a Government push to use the Royal Family to promote the enduring ties between Britain and its European neighbours ahead of the UK's efforts to negotiate a deal to leave the EU.

But on their first official visit to the capital of chic fashion, Kate surprised royal watchers by remaining in the dark green Catherine Walker coat she had worn earlier in the day to present shamrock sprigs to the Irish Guards in London when she met the French president on their arrival.

Aides suggested there had been no time for her to change on the private charter jet that flew them from London. The Duchess, accompanied on the plane by her privately-funded hairdresser Amanda Tucker, had let her hair down after wearing it pinned up under a hat earlier.

Prince William and KateGETTY

Prince William and Kate are greet by Francois Hollande in Paris

Inside the Elysee, the royal party were guided into the ornate Salon Des Ambassadeurs where they sat for an official photocall and exchanged polite small talk for the cameras.

President Hollande spoke to the royal couple in English. A senior royal aide said Kate does not speak French and William only has a very basic command of the language.

Sir David Manning, William's special foreign affairs adviser, was present, as were the couple's private secretaries, Miguel Head and Rebecca Deacon. 

The Prince and and the President were seated on gilded chairs next to each other, with the Duchess on her husband's right-hand side. 

President Hollande spoke to the couple in decent, accented English, as they exchanged polite small talk for the cameras.

The group chatted about occasions on which they had met before, including an event in Belgium to mark the centenary of the start of the First World War and also at a ceremony in France last year to mark the Somme Centenary. 

Prince William and Kate enjoy Guinness for St Patrick's Day

The Royal Family are our most experienced ambassadors

Senior British source

President Hollande remarked that the couple were going to watch the rugby the following day, to which William replied "Yes, to cheer on the Welsh", and made a small gesture of enthusiasm wth his hands. 

Kate asked the President whether he enjoyed watching rugby - but he suggested he was not a fan.

William seemed rather ill-at ease during the meeting but aides said his slightly stiff demeanour would have been due to the formality of occasion.

After a few seconds the media were ushered out and the prince, duchess and president enjoyed more than half an hour of bi-lateral talks.

Before they left the president took them outside into the gardens of the palace for a second photocall, walking them down a sun-bathed terrace in front of the waiting cameras, stopping to chat occasionally as he pointed items of interest out.

They group then walked inside, William putting a chivalrous hand on the small of his wife's back as he allowed her to step in before him. 

An aide said of the meeting: "They are very grateful that the President has invited them to the the Elysee Palace for a meeting at the very start of their trip, which gives you an indication of the importance and status of the visit."

Prince William Kate and HollandeGETTY

The royal couple have arrived in France as port of a charm offensive ahead of Brexit

The President then walked them out of the entrance to the palace and waved goodbye from the steps as they entered their car to be driven a few yards up the road to the British Embassy for an official reception.

Before walking inside President Hollande, who has two months left in office, shouted cheekily to the the waiting press: "Come back whenever you want!" as they scrambled to file their words and pictures.

At the reception, Kate, in a sleeveless black dress, listened as William paid tribute to the friendship between Britain and France in a speech.

In spite of his limited French, the Duke did manage a few words in the language  to say how delighted he and Kate were to be in Paris.

"And forgive me if I now continue in the language of Shakespeare, so as to reduce the risk of mangling the language of Molière," he quipped.

"So much of our countries’ histories, culture and language are intertwined. Those ties of neighbours which run through our history are as powerful today as they have ever been," he said.

"This deep friendship between the United Kingdom and France, forged in sweat and blood, is one that will endure."

In a brief reference to the elephant in the room, he added: "This partnership will continue despite Britain's recent decision to leave the European Union. The depth of our friendship and the breadth of our cooperation will not change."

He told guests: "Before I came here, Her Majesty The Queen reminded me of how much she has enjoyed her many visits to France.

"It is a feeling that Catherine and I entirely share, and look forward to this and many more visits in the years to come – to France our ally, our 

The reception marked the launch of Les Voisins - a celebration of UK-French links - and the Cambridges met young French leaders from a range of fields from the arts to fashion and business.

There was a chance tonight for the Duchess to put on the style when she and William were guests of honour at a glittering gala dinner at the British embassy.

The black-tie event, hosted by Britain's ambassador to France Lord Edward Llewellyn, celebrated the friendship and cultural ties between the UK and France and among the guests were celebrities from the worlds of film and sport.

Prince William, Kate and Francois HollandeGETTY

The Duke and Duchess met the French president at the Elysee Palace in an official engagement

Acclaimed actress Kristin Scott-Thomas was there along with French acting stars Jean Reno and Audrey Tautou and former Arsenal footballer Robert Pires.

William and Kate's trip comes a few days after the Duke was last on the continent enjoying a lads-only skiing break with friends in the Swiss resort of Verbier when he was spotted chatting to two glamorous blondes and 'dad dancing' in a bar.

It was not clear what Kate thought about his antics. Opinions were divided. Some thought they looked perfectly happy and relaxed in each other’s company, while another observer said: “She is furious with him.”

The official royal visit comes in the month that Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to trigger Article 50, beginning Brexit negotiations.

William and Kate's trip will be seen as a bid to build on the UK's bilateral relationship with France and they have already been dubbed "Brexit Ambassadors

In a couple of weeks'  time, Prince Charles and Camilla will tour Italy, the Vatican and Austria with Charles also travelling to Romania before. In the summer William and Kate will go to Poland and Germany.

A senior British source said: "The Royal Family are our most experienced ambassadors so it makes sense to use them to celebrate our enduring relationship with our European neighbours."

Today the highlight of the day will see William and Kate attend the Six Nations rugby match between Wales and France at the Stade de France.

This will be William's first event as patron of the Welsh Rugby Union, a role he took over from his grandmother the Queen.

The trip to Paris - where William's mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, was killed in a car crash - comes as the Duke prepares to mark the 20th anniversary of her death in August this year.

He is not expected to visit the scene of the crash in the Pont D'Alma tunnel nor commemorate the forthcoming anniversary while in Paris.

Lord Llewelyn, David Cameron's former Downing Street chief of staff, hailed the royal visit to Paris as "very exciting".

He  said William and Kate's trip would underline the close ties between Britain and France, which range from culture and sport to business and military links.

William, 34, has faced criticism after missing Commonwealth Day to go on a lads-only ski trip to Verbier, where he was spotted 'dad dancing, chatting to two glamorous blondes, and in the DJ booth.

When asked about the Verbier trip a spokesman for Kensington Palace would only say: "He's very much looking forward to this visit."

Speaking ahead of the arrival of the royal couple, the ambassador said: "This is a very exciting and special day, the first official visit by the royal couple, by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, to Paris."

Lord Llewellyn said that during his short time in office, just four months, he had been struck by the "deep affection" the French have for the Royal Family.

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