Prince Harry’s happy to wait before making Meghan Markle his princess

PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle are deeply in love but are not expected to make a decision about their future until they have been dating for at least a year.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry and Meghan MarkleGETTY

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are are not ready to make a decision about their future yet

The fifth in line to the throne and his actress girlfriend are intensely happy, according to friends but those who know them well believe they will want to give their relationship more time before making any big decisions. 

Harry, 32, and Meghan, 35, have spent much of the past few months together at his cottage in the grounds of Kensington Palace, enjoying cosy meals together and the odd foray out into the West End. 

Since first getting to know her some of Harry’s friends have believed the relationship is destined to go all the way. 

Meghan, the star of US television legal drama Suits, has helped spark wedding speculation with occasional mentions of confetti on her website The Tig. 

On Sunday she tweeted: “The perfect TigThought as we head into a new week filled with new possibilities. Confetti kindness positivity TheTig”. 

Meghan Markle hints about QUITTING acting altogether

Meghan MarkleGETTY

The couple are expected to wait until they have been dating for a year before talking marriage

But a friend said: “They’ve been dating for just over seven months now. Give it until the relationship has been going for a year and then I think we’ll have a clearer idea.” 

They’ve been dating for just over seven months now

A friend of Meghan

Despite reports that he and Meghan are due to move into a larger apartment in Kensington Palace, friends have insisted there is no work under way or earmarked. 

If he and Meghan do get married, the Toronto-based US actress will face some difficult decisions. 

In the past it has been suggested that acting and being married to a Prince are not compatible. 

Harry’s previous girlfriend Cressida Bonas, an actress and dancer, found it difficult. 

Prince HarryGETTY

The Prince and Meghan are ‘intensely happy’ according to close friends after dating for seven months

“The problem was she was never going to know if she had been given a part because she was Prince Harry’s girlfriend,” one friend said. 

As a more established actress, Meghan might be able to ride any controversy but she is also experienced in charity work, an area she could develop as a member of the Royal Family.

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