Tony Blair praises the Queen for her reaction following Diana’s death

TONY Blair has praised the Queen for the way she reacted following Princess Diana’s death.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Emotional trailer for new BBC documentary 'Diana, 7 Days'

The former prime minister discusses the affect the tragedy had on the Royal Family in interviews for the documentary Diana, 7 Days, to be screened ahead of the 20th anniversary of her death next week.

Mr Blair said: “She was obviously very sad about Diana.

“She was concerned about the monarchy herself because the Queen has a very strong instinct about public opinion and how it plays.”

Mr Blair said Her Majesty realised that the Royal Family needed to return to London and meet the crowds before the funeral.

The former Labour leader said: “It was apparent right from the beginning of the conversation that we were on exactly the same page in the sense that she understood it was sensible for her to demonstrate the closeness of her feelings to the feelings of the country. And so there wasn’t really a necessity of me to try to persuade her. She was there already.”

Queen - Tony BlairGETTY • BBC

Tony Blair has praised the Queen for having the Royal Family go to London before Diana’s funeral

He said of Diana: “It’s really important to wind back 20 years and realise she was the first member of the Royal Family that people really felt behaved and acted like a normal human being.

“Today, we see Prince William, Prince Harry as people that people feel a close connection with. They speak and act like normal people.”

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