Kate's WILD SIDE! Duchess of Cambridge reveals Charlotte and George's new found love

THE Duchess of Cambridge has revealed she has "fond memories" of being outdoors as a child and enjoys passing that passion on to her own children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate Middleton spoke about George and Charlotte's new found lovePA

Kate Middleton spoke about George and Charlotte's new found love

Dressed in jeans, a wax jacket and knee high boots, Kate visited Robin Hood Primary School in Raynes Park, south-west London to see children working with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening.

"It's really inspiring and exciting to see what you've all been up to," she said.

"I've got such fond memories of being in the garden and being outside from my own childhood, and I'm sharing that with my own children, George and Charlotte, at the moment.

"And I'm really excited about what you're doing here and taking inspiration from that in the school environment as well.

"What you have created here is really so special. Hopefully you'll have lots of memories of your time here in the garden, looking for insects or planting bulbs.

Have you grown your own strawberries yet? Did you eat them? Were they yummy?

Duchess of Cambridge

"And I really hope you remember these special times for the rest of your lives.

The Duchess laughed when she was shown a home for insects called "Bug-ingham Palace", and later said "Lucky insects have such a good place to stay".

She planted winter bulbs with children and also addressed pupils in the playground.

She said: ”Thank you so much for having me here today.

Kate spoke to children at Raynes ParkPA

Kate spoke to children at Raynes Park

"It's been lovely to meet all of you and thank you so much to all the children who've shown me what they've been doing in their gardens.

"It's really inspiring and exciting to see what you've all been up to.”

After a short briefing, Kate joined a small group of youngsters from Reception to Year 2 in the outdoor learning area and sensory garden. 

She sat next to chatty little Charlie, six, and Innaya, five, as they planted spring bulbs including tulips and daffodils. 

"Morning, have you got your warm coats and gloves on on now? That’s a good idea," she said. 

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The Duchess spoke about how she has fond memories of being outdoorsPA

The Duchess spoke about how she has fond memories of being outdoors

She was handed a pair of leather gloves and knelt on a mat to join the youngsters planting out. 

"Have you grown your own strawberries yet? Did you eat them? Were they yummy? Were they nice and ripe and juicy? 

"Everything that you grow in the garden and eat is all delicious. Do any of your mummies and daddies like gardening? Have you taught them things you have learnt at school?"

Charlie told her that he taught his parents about growing cabbages. 

“And what is the best thing about having a garden at school?’ She asked. 

Kate chatted with the children as they planted daffodil bulbs and carved wood.

At one point, when she looked at her own attempt at whittling a stick, she said: "Mine's not very good."

When a little boy remarked that "practice makes perfect", Kate replied: "That is so true. Keep up, keep up all the good work."

She told the children she loves sunflowers and asked if they had spotted any squirrels or "bit fat wiggly worms”.

Kate asked the children if they had seen worms or squirrelsREUTERS

Kate asked the children if they had seen worms or squirrels

Sally Spires, outdoor learning co-ordinator at the school, said Kate talked about how she enjoys gardening with the children.

"And how it can be gardening... fruit, vegetables, but also just including toys and dinosaurs, enjoying being in the outdoors," Ms Spires said.

She said the duchess's visit to the school was "fantastic", adding: "It's shone a light on our school. It's shone a light on outdoor learning and how that can facilitate children learning in a wide variety of ways.

"The children's experience of that will stay with them forever."

Ruth Evans, director of education at the RHS, said she got a sense that Kate has a genuine interest in gardening.

"She's so natural with the children in terms of trying to get them to engage and be part of something.

"You can only do that when you have a genuine interest in not just gardening but actually young people and children," she said.

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