MEGHAN MANIA: Meghan Markle and Harry attend first royal engagement together in Nottingham

MEGHAN Markle and Prince Harry received a rapturous welcome from the people of Nottingham as they began their public life together.

By Rebecca PerringRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry and Meghan arrive at World AIDS Day event

Hundreds lined the streets eager to catch a glimpse and greet the newly engaged couple - just four days after they announced their engagement to the world. 

The couple, who will marry in May, undertook a royal walkabout where they met and greeted a sea of people keen to congratulate them on their royal wedding news with cards and bouquets of flowers. 

Meghan Markle, 36, braved the cold in an oversized navy coat by Mackage and a black polo neck, beige long skirt, teamed with black suede boots. 

She was also without gloves so crowds could catch a glimpse of her dazzling engagement ring. 

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Stephen Lock / i-Image

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have arrived in Nottingham

Meghan appeared relaxed as she carried out her first royal engagement in the UK, the place she will now call home. 

Familiar with the red carpet, Meghan even split from her prince to go and chat with the hundreds of people who had braved the cold weather to greet her with congratulations. 

As crowds chanted her name, the future duchess responded to messages of goodwill by exclaiming "thank you" and "I really appreciate that". 

The crowd cheered and some waved Union Jack flags as the pair walked down to the Nottingham Contemporary gallery. 

Meghan quickly proved herself to be a natural at royal duties during her first walkabout.

The US actress mingled with the crowds in Nottingham city centre, telling people how she hoped they weren’t too cold in the chilly December weather.

Meghan, 36, showed that she is already learning what is expected of royals when it comes to official visits, politely declining to pose for a selfie, telling one couple: “We’re not allowed.”

Barbara Miller, 63, from Nottingham, said: “She said thank you very much for braving the cold.

“I said ‘can we have a selfie?’. She said ‘we’re not allowed to do selfies’.

“I said congratulations. She was so pleasant, she was lovely.

“She said to my husband ‘your hands are really cold’.

Husband David Miller, 74, added: “I shook her hand. 

Excited crowds greet Meghan Markle in Nottingham

“She said it was really cold.”

Cori Burns, 80 from Clifton, Nottingham, revealed Meghan had also quickly learned the art of British small talk about the weather.

She pointed out her home state of California is warmer than the UK.

Cori said: “I used to live in California so I asked her where she was from and she said it’s warmer over there than here.”

The actress was also pictured resting a reassuring hand on her husband-to-be's back in a very public display of affection.

Members of the crowd chanted "Harry, Harry" and "Meghan, Meghan " as they got out of the car and waved to the Nottingham well-wishers.

The prince even handed out high fives to youngsters who welcomed him into the city alongside his fiancée. 

Ahead of their arrival, hundreds of curious and excited onlookers had packed the streets, including avid fan Irene Hardman.

Meghan Markle GETTY

Meghan Markle was without her gloves to show off her dazzling engagement ring

The 81-year-old is well-known for handing bags of Haribo sweets to Prince Harry, and first presented his father, the Prince of Wales, with two bags - the other for brother William - 20 years ago.

She said:“I just said she’s wonderful and beautiful and they’ll be absolutely wonderful together.

“She kept saying ‘thank you so much’.

“They were just wonderful.

“She kept saying ‘I can’t believe it, I’ve been made so welcome and I can’t believe it’.”

On arrival at 11.05am they were greeted by a line-up including Sir John Peace, Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire and his wife Lady Christine Peace, Councillor Michael Edwards, Lord Mayor of Nottingham and his wife Mrs Edwards, Councillor John Handley and his wife Mrs Margaret Handley and Mr Ian Curryer, chief executive of Nottingham city council.

Mr Curryer said afterwards: “We were talking about how it’s great to have them here.

“Prince Harry comes a lot because of his private charity work.

“We were saying how brilliant it is that their first engagement as a couple is here.

“Particularly as they’ve come from Nottingham Cottage to here, I said that and they laughed.

“They said it’s been great to come.

“Prince Harry said we’re delighted to be here and look at the number of people who’ve turned out.”

Crowds lined the street leading up to the city’s National Justice Museum.

Many were waving Union flags and some had also brought US flags.

Dorothy Mee, 66, from Nottingham, said: “I’m a royalist and love what William and Harry have done bringing the monarchy into the younger people’s realm.

“Especially Harry and the Invictus Games.

“I’m here to show some support and welcome her to her first official visit

“It’s wonderful they’ve come to Nottingham, I would love to know why.

“This day is the start of a long journey together.”


Harry is pictured speaking to crowds in Nottingham

Margo Heyhurst, from Cambridge, said: “I have two sisters who married American GIs and live in America, one in San Francisco and one in Maine.

“I’m a great fan of Suits, right from series one. Her clothes, her demeanour, everything about her.

“They’re so in love, I loved all the things they said in their interview. We need magic at the moment.

“There should be a public holiday for the wedding.”

Meghan spent around 25 minutes meeting the crowds in Nottingham with Prince Harry, charming members of the public as she introduced herself with a cheery "Hi, I'm Meghan."

"I'm so happy," she said at one point. "It's just such a thrill to be here."

Members of the public had been waiting since 6am to meet the newly-engaged couple, waiting in the freezing cold with gifts including bunches of flowers, Haribo - Harry's favourite sweet - and homemade cards.

Meghan made a beeline for children, dogs, and seemed thrilled to meet the many American students who had turned out to see her.

Accepting congratulations from hundreds of wellwishers, she showed her engagement ring to interested admirers who asked and smiled at the many compliments about Prince Harry.

Her first official gift came from Ian Curryer, chief executive of Nottingham City Council, who gave her and the Prince a silver pin in the shape of Robin Hood with a bow and arrow, in honour of what they had done for the local area. 

Meghan and Harry PA

Meghan and Harry have made their first royal appointment

He said Prince Harry told him he was "delighted to be here", adding "Look at the number of people here, isn't it great!"

Ann McGuire, who brought her nearly-three-year-old son Leo with her, said Meghan bent down to speak to the toddler, telling him he was "so brave" to come out in the cold.

The royal fan said: ”She reached out again and grabbed my hand and said I'm so glad you braved it to stand in the cold. 

"She's such a natural."

Micaela Lueders, 20, who is from California, said the former actress had recognised her accent and told her: "It’s so lovely to meet a fellow Californian, I'm so excited to be here.

Harry and Meghan GETTY

The couple immediately undertook a traditional royal walkabout

"She was wondering if I was staying here and whether I'm enjoying it. It was really great. She seemed very natural.

"She's very warm. I bet she was terribly nervous but she didn't show it."

Waving to people in the windows above the narrow street, Meghan walked down a line asking people their names, where they are from and endearingly introducing herself by name in case they were not sure who she was.

Claire Kensall brought a card made by her daughter Ruby, seven, congratulating them on their engagement and saying: "I can't wait to see your wedding."

"Harry said he was really pleased, and thanked her," she added.

Meghan introduced herself by name to the Nottingham crowdsREUTERS

Meghan introduced herself by name to the Nottingham crowds

Frieda, 87 from Nottingham, recalled seeing the Queen in the city when she was Princess Elizabeth around 1950, wanting to pass her best wishes to Prince Harry.

"She was lovely," she said of Meghan. "She said she was so pleased to be here. I told her you're lovely - she's very beautiful.

"Harry said he loved my plaits."

One group of mothers had brought five small children for their first encounter with royalty, with Claire Saribi saying they could not pass up the opportunity to show them history in action.

Her son Idris, one, had been practising saying "congratulations" ahead of the walkabout, while Zoë and Emilia, who are three and friends from ballet class, made a card covered in star-shaped stickers.

Meghan received a bunch of flowers during the walkabout EPA

Meghan received a bunch of flowers during the walkabout

Meghan crouched down to meet them and ask how old they were, and thank them for the card.

Helena Bottomly, who gave a bag of Haribo to Meghan to pass to her fiance, stood with three friends who had brought red and white roses, said: "She was really pleased with the presents. We congratulated her."

Asked for their assessment of Meghan, the friends said: "She's a little gem." 

The walkabout also gave the couple a chance to indulge their love of dogs, with the Prince asking one named Gertie whether he was getting a Christmas stocking.

While most people spent time speaking about the Royal family, others had more important concerns.

Harry and meghan GETTY

The couple attend the Aids charity fair

Mandy Koehler, 19 from Nebraska, who is studying in Nottingham, said: "I wanted to ask Prince Harry his favourite colour. He said it was blue, but then changed his mind to purple."

Katie Shaw, 22, was visibly excited by her encounter with future Royalty,  after Meghan came to shake her hand and appeared deep in conversation.

"They're very down to earth even though they're royal," she said. "But it's all about Suits. We really like Suits and she told us there are going to be two more series."

Frank Shelton, 79, missed out on a one-on-one with the Prince and Meghan despite bringing his eight-year-old barn owl Kim along for the day, but remained enthusiastic about the encounter.

"This is something very different," he said. "I thought: Harry's bringing his bird so I brought mine."

Meghan Harry GETTY

Harry and Meghan speak at the tour the Terrence Higgins Trust World AIDS Day charity fair

The couple visit the Terrence Higgins Trust World Aids Day charity fair, where they will meet representatives from charities and meet people living with HIV and Aids. 

Jason Knauf, Harry’s communications secretary, said the prince was looking forward to introducing his bride-to-be to a community that has “become very special to him”. 

They are understood to have been keen to make the Worlds Aids Day charity fair the key moment for their first outing after Prince Harry previously attempted to help break the stigma by taking a HIV test in public.

The cause was close to the heart of Prince Harry’s late mother Princess Diana, who was hailed for changing attitudes towards HIV and Aids. 

Later, the royal couple visited Nottingham Academy to meet schoolchildren and watch a performance of “Hip Hopera”.  

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