Labour humiliation: Ex-adviser torn apart after shock Corbyn point sparks Twitterstorm

LABOUR were left humiliated after an ex-aide attempted to explain how it was "quite easy" for Jeremy Corbyn to "sound like a much more reasonable person than people think is he" on BBC Newsnight.

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Twitter users turned on former Labour advisor Tom Hamilton after he tried to tell the BBC Two programme who was more “relatable” to the public - Mr Corbyn or Prime Minister Boris Johnson. After making his comments, social media went into meltdown with people criticising Mr Hamilton. Speaking to the show’s host Emily Maitlis, Mr Hamilton said: “I think they both do in their different ways.

“It’s probably a little bit easier for Jeremy Corbyn to appear to be relatable because he is able to present himself in the face of people’s preconceptions based on a lot of media coverage and the way that he is portrayed.

“It’s quite easy for him, I think, to sound like a much more reasonable person than people think that he is - to make his plan sound like a much more common-sense plan than it’s been portrayed by the opposition.”

He added: “I think there’s a risk for Boris Johnson to be drawn into making the kind of attacks against Jeremy Corbyn that can sound a little hysterical.”

But his comments left Twitter baffled.

Election 2019: Ex-adviser torn apart after shock Corbyn point on BBC Newsnight

(Image: BBC Newsnight)

Brexit news

He made the comments on BBC Newsnight (Image: BBC Newsnight)

One wrote: “Hmm Mr Corbyn doesn’t always sound reasonable though, watching his encounter with Krishnan Guru-Murthy showed him as an aggressive, irritable man when he kept shouting at him.

“Not very sensible at all.”

Another said: “Honestly this made me shout at the TV.

“Corbyn is NOT a reasonable man.

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Mr Hamilton is a former Labour adviser (Image: BBC Newsnight)

“He’s a bigoted anti-Semite and unreconstructed Marxist.”

It comes after Mr Johnson issued a letter to Mr Corbyn, demanding answers on his Brexit position.

The Prime Minister shared the letter that claimed Mr Corbyn had “ducked” questions on the UK’s EU exit with his Twitter followers.

In the letter, published online on Monday night, Mr Johnson said he wanted to know whether Mr Corbyn had “made up his mind on Brexit”.

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General election 2019

Mr Corbyn received a letter from Mr Johnson on Monday night (Image: GETTY)

He asked Mr Corbyn whether he was recommending the UK Remain or Leave in his proposed second referendum on Brexit.

Previously, Mr Corbyn had promised to end freedom of movement in a previous manifesto.

But Mr Johnson now wanted clarity on how he would “end, maintain or extend freedom of movement” and whether this figure would be higher or lower under a Labour Government.

Mr Corbyn was also asked to clarify how much he would be willing to pay the EU to gain access to its markets.

Brexit news

How Brexit unfolded (Image: EXPRESS)

Mr Johnson finally demanded Mr Corbyn “guarantee that every Labour candidate supports your Brexit policy”.

In conclusion, Mr Johnson added: “Without satisfactory answers to these questions, the public will have no choice but to conclude that Corbyn’s Labour, propped up by the SNP, will mean dither, delay, and uncertainty with two more chaotic referendums next year.

“Only the Conservatives will get Brexit done so the country can move on.”

The UK is set to go to the polls on December 12, with a result announced early the following day.

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