Sophie's royal baby joy at the age of 42

PRINCE Edward’s wife Sophie, who has made no secret of her desire for a larger family, is expecting her second child at the age of 42.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

JOY The Wessex s longed for second baby is finally on its way JOY: The Wessex's longed for second baby is finally on its way

She has suffered several setbacks over the years, including the loss of a baby in 2001, and yesterday she and Edward were  “thrilled and delighted”.

Sophie, three months pregnant, is due to give birth to the Queen’s eighth grandchild in December. Her daughter, Lady Louise Windsor, is three years old.

The good news was given to the Queen, Prince Philip and Sophie’s father, Christopher Rhys-Jones, at the weekend when Edward and Sophie were said to be “over the moon”.

A Buckingham Palace statement said: “Their Royal Highnesses the Earl and Countess of Wessex are expecting a baby in December.

“The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh and members of both families are delighted with the news.”

PROUD PARENTS Lady Louise Windsor is now three PROUD PARENTS: Lady Louise Windsor is now three

Sophie is particularly close to the Queen. She and Edward usually see her at Windsor Castle or their home at nearby Bagshot Park each weekend.

Aides said the Countess will undertake royal engagements, under doctors’ orders, for as long as possible.

She was at the Royal Agricultural Society of England’s Royal Show at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, yesterday. An aide said: “She looks brilliant, absolutely radiant. She loves children and would have liked more.”

Buckingham Palace refused to say whether the pregnancy was the result of IVF treatment though there have been suggestions that the couple have turned to the procedure in the past.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh and members of both families are delighted with the news

Buckingham Palace

The announcement comes after a series of heartaches for them in their quest for parenthood.

Sophie lost a baby after she had to be airlifted to hospital by helicopter for emergency treatment in 2001 when she suffered an ectopic pregnancy in which the foetus develops outside the womb.

She underwent a 2d-hour operation after which she said: “I’m obviously very sad but it was just not meant to be. But there will be other chances.”

In November 2003 she gave birth to Lady Louise but nearly died in the process. A mix-up meant she had to wait 30 minutes for an ambulance when she was already seriously ill.

Her daughter was born prematurely weighing only 4lb 9oz and was transferred to a neo-natal unit while doctors cared for the sick Countess who spent six days apart from the baby. Since then there have been persistent stories that Sophie was hoping for another child. Aides denied a report that she was pregnant in 2005.

The Countess, who was married to Edward at Windsor in 1999, joins a long list of famous mothers  who have given birth over the age of 40.

Pop star Madonna gave birth at 42, novelist Helen Fielding at 43 and ex-Prime Minister’s wife Cherie Blair at 45.

The number of women over 40 giving birth has doubled since 1986, though it is not known what percentage have had IVF, perhaps with donor eggs.

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