The cancer operations kept secret from the world

THE Queen Mother had secret operations for colon cancer and breast cancer during her long life, her official biography reveals.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The queen waves despite suffering pain for poor hip The queen waves despite suffering pain for poor hip

William Shawcross’s book, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: The Official Biography, which is published tomorrow, ­discloses that she was successfully treated for colon cancer in December 1966 and breast cancer in July 1984.

Senior royal aides kept her medical condition a closely- guarded secret. Her office at Clarence House told the press that she had undergone an abdominal operation to relieve a partial obstruction when she in fact had colon cancer.

And 18 years later, when she had a cancerous tumour removed from a breast, the official story was that she had undergone three days of hospital tests and had been declared by doctors to be in “very good health”.

In a carefully-managed media operation to keep unwanted attention away, she checked ­quietly into the King Edward VII Hospital in Marylebone, central London, to undergo both ­operations. It is a pattern still ­followed when a member of the Royal Family goes into hospital.

At the time of the colon cancer operation, newspapers speculated that the obstruction was in her intestine or colon but none deviated from the official line.

In fact, the Queen Mother had already had a tumour removed on December 10, 1966, in an ­operation by a team of surgeons led by Sir Ralph Marnham.

She spent more than two weeks in hospital.

When discharged, she cancelled all her official engagements for the first three months of 1967. But she had beaten the disease.

Although the press never got hold of the truth, the stunt to ­prevent the public finding out did backfire on the Royal Household.

A rumour spread that the Queen Mother had been fitted with a colostomy bag, which Shawcross says was not true.

Some years later the Queen’s physician at the time, Sir Richard Bayliss, wrote to one of the Queen Mother’s ladies in waiting, saying that the lie of the “colostomy” operation should be countered.

In the book Shawcross writes: “The rumours that the operation had included a colostomy persisted.

“Many people who had to endure that operation themselves derived comfort from the belief that even someone with as active a life as Queen Elizabeth could manage so well after such a ­difficult procedure.” On July 30, 1984, the Queen Mother had another brush with cancer, when she was quietly admitted to the same hospital to undergo a simple excision for ­carcinoma of the breast.

William Slack, Sergeant-­Surgeon to the Queen, carried out the operation and reported that the entire tumour had been removed. Her spirits were high and her lady in waiting’s diary reported that she came home on August 2 in very good form, then dived gaily into celebrations for her 84th birthday.

As her health grew frailer there were more operations.

In that same year, 1984, she had been forced to go to hospital to have a fishbone removed from her throat during a shooting weekend at Royal Lodge in Windsor.

She suffered further occasional obstructions to her throat, particularly after fish suppers, and in August 1986 she was flown to hospital in Aberdeen after choking at dinner at the Castle of Mey.

Lesions on her legs caused her continual problems in later life. When she was 94 she had a cataract removed from her left eye to help her failing vision and in November of that same year, 1994, she calmly went to lunch with friends at the Ritz before checking into the Edward VII hospital for a hip replacement.

In November 2001 she tripped and broke her collarbone and had to remain in bed for six weeks. But when she re-emerged in public she was determined to conceal her growing frailty. Right until the end she wanted to protect her dignity and pride.

Even in ill health in her later years, when she was confined to her home, she sustained herself with a lively interest in the arts. She also had a love of classic television comedies, including Dad’s Army.

She would spend evenings watching videos of the show featuring Captain Mainwaring, played by Arthur Lowe, and his motley crew of Home Guard recruits.

She also adored Fawlty Towers, with John Cleese as mad hotelier Basil Fawlty. She was also greatly amused by the overbearing and pompous Hyacinth Bucket, played by Patricia Routledge, from the long-running series Keeping Up Appearances.

She increasingly turned to the shows as she got older and games of cards or singsongs with friends became less frequent.

Her all-time favourite authors and wits included former Eton headmaster Eric Anderson, Joyce Grenfell, Peter Sellers, and Alan Bennett.

But, she revealed: “Kitchen sink is not my cup of tea.”

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