Prince Harry has his mother's touch

PRINCE Harry showed his mother’s touch with children when he met a little boy who was sceptical about his claims to be a royal.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry meets Alex Burke 6 winner of the Bravest Child Award Prince Harry meets Alex Burke, 6, winner of the Bravest Child Award

Six-year-old Alex Burke had already been introduced to the third in line to the throne but remained unconvinced.

“Where’s your crown? Where’s the Prince?” he asked.

“I’m here. It’s me,” said Harry, putting his hands out in front of him, prompting Alex to jump, uninvited, straight into his arms for a cuddle while playing with a balloon blower.

Alex, who is from Manchester and has Neurofibromatosis Type 1, a genetic condition that has left him with non-cancerous tumours, bone deformities, poor coordination and sight and hearing problems, was presented with an award by the Prince.

He was voted one of the bravest children at the WellChild Awards at the InterContinental Park Lane Hotel in London last night.

The Prince meets L R Lucy Tutton Alex Burke and Lyndon Longhorne at the WellChild awards The Prince meets (L-R) Lucy Tutton, Alex Burke and Lyndon Longhorne at the WellChild awards

Harry, who is patron of WellChild, which helps sick children and their families, joined celebrities including footballer Jermain Defoe, Sharon Osbourne, and television presenter Duncan Bannatyne to present awards to children for their courage in battling serious illness.


The 25-year-old Prince received his own gift, a balloon shaped into a flower, from one little girl. It came from Lucy Tutton, 8, from Bristol, named most caring child for her help in looking after her five-year-old sister Sophie, who has a neurological disorder.

He was also give a present for his brother Prince William from Harrison Holmes, 8, from Barrow in Furness, Cumbria. Harrison, who has defied the odds to survive with a serious bowel condition, lung disease, and other difficulties, met William in Cumbria in the summer.

He sent him a picture of their meeting, inscribed “Prince of Cuddles, My inspiration, hugs and kisses Harrison,” to remind William that he had promised to visit the little boy at his home.

“I’ll pass this to William and I’ll remind him of the promise he made as well,” said Harry.

In a speech at the end of the ceremony, Harry paid tribute to the courage of all the award winners.

“Most of us here tonight have not – thank goodness – had to confront the enormous challenges faced by you, our courageous winners. But what you give to us, all of us,  through your supreme example is a very simple thing. Inspiration,” he said.

“These awards really inspire me – you inspire me – and I feel that I am just so lucky to be patron of WellChild.”

He spent several minutes chatting privately with the parents of two children, Aimee Humphries, 5, from Bristol, and Alexandra Emery, 8, from Coventry, who both died from rare genetic diseases before they could receive the awards.

In his speech, he said: “But however dauntless the spirit, tragedy does sometimes win through. To you, Mr and Mrs Emery and Mr and Mrs Humphries, I would simply say how very, very sorry I am. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.”

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