Prince William pleads for Africa's endangered wildlife

PRINCE William made an impassioned plea last night to save rhinos and other threatened African animal species from poachers -in his first major speech on conservation.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince William at a reception in London to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Tusk Trust Prince William at a reception in London to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Tusk Trust

The future King used his historic speech to call for the world to do more to help people in Africa see that their spectacular wildlife is worth more to them alive than dead by using animals to attract tourists and other trade.

Prince William, 27, made his speech at a reception in London to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Tusk Trust, a UK-based charity of which he has been patron since 2005.

It works closely with the Lewa Downs wildlife ranch in Kenya run by his close friend Jecca Craig and her family and counts celebrities including EastEnders actress Pam St Clement, Ruby Wax and impressionist Rory Bremner among its supporters.

William, who has previously only spoken briefly about his passion for wildlife conservation, told how he first saw the charity’s work in action on a trip to Jecca’s Kenyan estate 10 years ago.

He praised its efforts in over 100 projects in Africa but warned the world needed to do more to save animals from extinction.

“We cannot be complacent for one minute,” he said. “Recent weeks have seen the price of rhino horn rocket in Far Eastern markets, leading to an extremely worrying upsurge in poaching, heavily armed gangs targeting sanctuaries from The Cape to Kenya.

“And, for instance, there is the turtle population, which continues to be decimated by illegal fishing, poaching and the development of their historic nesting sites.

“The answer - at least in part - lies in Tusk’s integrated approach of education, sustainable development and conservation.”

It was a theme that echoed his father Prince Charles's repeated calls for the world to turn to sustainable development in all walks of life.

The second-in-line to the throne praised efforts to preserve the northern white rhino, whose population now stands at just 11 animals, all in captivity, after decades of poaching.

Four of the animals have just been transferred from a zoo in the Czech Republic to the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, where conservationists hope the families will breed in their natural habitat.

“I’d just like to take this opportunity quickly, if I may, to thank the Czech people for their far-sightedness,” the Prince said. “For it is they who have given us a slim chance of preserving this wonderful species by safe-guarding the surviving family of Rhino, and then allowing their transfer back to their natural breeding habitat in Africa.”

In a plea for more aid from around the world to help encourage conservation, he added: “Future generations must have the chance to wonder at the continent’s spell-binding natural heritage for themselves. We owe it to them. This legacy is not ours to squander.” 

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