Plans for extra 4,000 places at 16 prisons across the country

PLANS to create 4,000 extra places at 16 prisons are going ahead as part of a commitment to increase jail capacity by 20,000 over three years.


Expansion will go ahead at Norwich, Liverpool, Birmingham, Haverigg. (Image: Getty / Neil Hewitt / EyeEm)

Subject to planning permission, the proposals involve adding wings and refurbishing old prison spaces, the Ministry of Justice says.

Expansion will go ahead at Norwich, Liverpool, Birmingham, Haverigg and young offender sites at Feltham, Aylesbury and Swinfen Hall.

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said: "Our prison-building programme will deliver an extra 20,000 prison places by the mid-2020s to punish offenders, deter crime and protect the public."

Also "prison design, in-cell technology, drug rehabilitation" will help cut reoffending.

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