Prince Charles sees £3.3m loss for organic label

PRINCE Charles’s organic food firm Duchy Originals lost almost £3.3million last year, accounts showed yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles s organic food firm Duchy Originals lost almost 3 3million last year accounts show Prince Charles’s organic food firm Duchy Originals lost almost £3.3million last year, accounts show

The company, which the Prince ­created in an effort to prove there was a market for organic food, got into such difficulties with cash flow that it had to borrow £1.5million from the heir to the throne’s charities foundation to keep going.

Duchy Originals, set up in 1990, is supposed to donate its profits to the Prince’s Charities Foundation – its ultimate owner – but has failed to do so for the past two years

Since its inception, it has handed over £7million to good causes, but the firm has been hit hard in the last couple of years by a 25 per cent drop in demand for organic food after claims that it was no better for people than ordinary food, and a sharp rise in the cost of ingredients.

In September it was rescued and effectively taken over by supermarket giant Waitrose, which has signed an exclusive licensing agreement to originate, manufacture, distribute and sell Duchy Originals products.

Charles put a brave face on the deal by insisting it would allow the company to grow, ­increasing its product range from 200 to 500 items, and generate more money for his charities.

The losses of £3.27million and the £1.5million loan are disclosed in the accounts for the year ended March 31, 2009.

But a spokeswoman for the Prince admitted yesterday that Charles’s charitable foundation, an umbrella organisation for 20 charities that raise £130million a year, has continued to support the firm financially in the year since then. “It temporarily ­supported the cash flow. That support has continued into this financial year. The money will be repaid in the near future,” she said.

The Charity Commission, which regulates all UK charities, said it was lawful for charities to lend money to companies, but the loans had to be at a commercial rate.

Duchy Originals losses comprised £1.2million in general sales, as well as just under £2million run up by the firm’s Cornish cakes and bread business.

The bakery losses led to its sale for just £250,000 in August last year, just ahead of the Waitrose deal. The losses arose from sales of £2.2million, compared with a turnover of just over £4million in the previous year, when the firm made a profit of £151,717, down from £793,432 in 2007.

Last year it began a round of cost-cutting, ­halving directors’ salaries from £612,547 to £307,096, while staff costs, including directors’ pay, fell from £1,533,341 in 2008 to £1,454,259 last year.

Despite the cuts, the ­salaries of the company’s ­highest-paid director rose to £224,476 from £169,108 in 2008.

Accounts show that three former directors whose contracts were terminated received pay-offs – £32,988 to marketing director Richard Hogg, £51,450 to former chief executive Belinda Gooding and £30,000 to ex-chief operating officer Alan Bradley.

Michael Jary, the Duchy Originals chairman, said the licensing deal with Waitrose would see the supermarket giant make royalty payments on sales and lead to an increase in donations to the Princes’ charities.

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