‘I feel cheated’ Marks & Spencer splits fans with baffling hot cross bun advice

The beloved Easter tradition of warmed-up hot cross buns could prove hazardous as Marks and Spencer have issued a warning on the packaging of the seasonal treats.

Hot cross buns with warning sign

A warning on the packages advises consumers not to put the buns in the toaster (Image: Getty)

The warning refers to the brand’s "Extremely Chocolatey" Hot Cross Buns launched ahead of the festive season. On the packaging, it is written that the product “is not suitable for toasting in a domestic toaster.” Baffled by the warning, a consumer complained to the retailer on Twitter.

@hashpling wrote: “I feel cheated, my M&S Extremely Chocolately hot cross buns are ‘not suitable for toasting in a domestic toaster.

"How am I supposed to toast them, @marksandspencer?”

To which M&S replied that the sweet treats should be placed under the grill instead.

They wrote: “Hi Phoebe! Under the grill is the best way!

Twitter comment

A consumer complained: 'I feel cheated' (Image: Twitter )

"Just make sure not to have the heat too high and be sure to keep checking them, to avoid them burning! You got this! :) Kindest regards, Steve”

To which the consumer then replied: "2 minutes under the grill worked wonders!"

Apparently, these buns have meltable ingredients that could burn in a toaster.

In a worst-case scenario, the toaster could catch fire if chocolate or other ingredients are melted and burned inside of it.

However, on their website, M&S suggests for some other types of hot cross buns that they are best eaten when toasted, also with added butter.

Hot cross buns with butter and a knife

Toasted hot cross buns with butter are a beloved Easter treat (Image: Getty)

This advice refers to the Extremely Cheesy hot cross buns; the Golden Blonde Chocolate and Salted Caramel hot cross buns; the Luxury hot cross buns; and the Marmite Cheese hot cross buns.

On the brand’s website, some recipes are also posted that encourage customers to ‘lightly’ toast the buns, in contrast to the advice on the product’s packaging.

For example, there is the "Chocolate hot cross bun ice-cream sandwiches" recipe, made with the ‘Extremely Chocolately’ hot cross buns.

A spokesperson for M&S said: “Each flavour of hot cross bun comes with its own heating guidelines on pack, so customers can easily get the perfect toasting every time.

"Some of our hot cross bun ingredients can melt more easily in a conventional toaster, so we always recommend customers follow the guidelines.”

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