Prince Harry to join Polar trek

PRINCE Harry plans to spend five days on an expedition to the North Pole to help raise £1million for wounded servicemen and women.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry plans to spend five days on expedition Prince Harry plans to spend five days on expedition

The third in line to the throne hopes to join a team of amputees who lost limbs in the line of duty and their guides.

At least two and possibly three servicemen will pull their own gear on sleds weighing more than 15 stones across 300 miles of Arctic sea ice on the Walking With The Wounded trek.

They will risk hypothermia and frostbite to become the first amputees to reach the Geographical North Pole.

Harry, 25, is patron of the campaign, set up to help rehabilitate injured service personnel back into employment.

He told an audience at The Rifles Club, London, yesterday the project showed the “tenacity and courage of those who serve our country”.

The Prince will be due leave when the four-week trek takes place in April next year.

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