Christina Schmid receives George Cross for hero husband

THE widow of a heroic bomb disposal expert killed in Afghanistan received his George Cross from the Queen yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Christina Schmid shows the George Cross awarded to her husband Christina Schmid shows the George Cross awarded to her husband

Christina Schmid was presented with the medal in a private ceremony at Buckingham Palace and dedicated the honour to British troops fighting in the war-torn country.

Her husband, Staff Sergeant Olaf “Oz” Schmid, 30, was killed trying to defuse a roadside bomb on the last day of a five-and-a-half month deployment to Afghanistan last October.

Mrs Schmid, 35, who was joined by her six-year-old son Laird and her parents, said: “The George Cross serves as a reminder of the endurance and sacrifice of all our servicemen and women out there on the ground now.

“In awarding it to Oz, one soldier, I hope it serves to raise the status of each and every one of them.”

She described the day as one of mixed emotions. Her husband would have celebrated his birthday next week and seeing him collect the honour would have been a cause for celebration. “The image of him pointing to it on his chest and grinning cheekily would have brought tears of pride,” said Mrs Schmid.

In her tribute to her husband and his comrades, she included a quotation from the fifth century BC Greek historian and author Thucydides: “The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.”

She received the decoration on the day that a Royal Marine from 40 Commando was killed in a blast while on a foot patrol in Sangin in southern Afghanistan’s Helmand province, bringing the British death toll to 290 since operations began in the country in 2001. His next of kin have been informed.

Also at the Palace yesterday were Hollywood actor Sir Patrick Stewart, 69, who received his knighthood from the Queen, and Formula One driver Jenson Button, 30, world champion in 2009, who was awarded an MBE.

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