Camilla pays tribute to our Afghan ‘best’

THE Duchess of Cornwall hailed the British Army as the best in the world yesterday as 650 troops took part in a homecoming parade.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Camilla hailed the British Army as the best in the world Camilla hailed the British Army as the best in the world

Ten thousand people cheered as the men from 11 Light Brigade marched through Winchester, Hampshire, and heard Camilla praise their courage and spirit.

The brigade, based in Aldershot, Hampshire, was set up especially for a single six-month tour of duty in Afghanistan in which they lost 64 comrades from 5,500 soldiers drawn from 12 different regiments.

Well-wishers stood six deep and cheered and waved flags as the brigade carried out its final act before disbanding.

The troops marched with three military bands to the city centre,where hundreds of family members were seated in specially-erected stands.

Prince Charles’s wife inspected the troops and met injured personnel before a flypast by RAF Tornado jets.

Addressing the soldiers, their families, and the crowd, she said: “You are all heroes and I salute you all for a job very well done. You are all an immense credit to your regiment, the brigade and to this country, and you have proved once again that the British Army is the best in the world.”

Outside Winchester Guildhall, she added: “It is a huge honour to be here with you to welcome you all home after an immensely challenging operational tour in Afghanistan.

“Although we are all here to celebrate your return, the price has been extremely high and I join you in mourning all 64 soldiers who are not here, and who made the ultimate sacrifice. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to their families as they continue to come to terms with their agonising loss.”

Camilla, 62, met service families and presented two Elizabeth Medals to the families of dead servicemen.

She also joined around 1,400 guests at a service of thanksgiving and remembrance in Winchester Cathedral.

Sergeant Craig Newton, 33, from the Coldstream Guards, which formed part of 11 Light Brigade, said: “I didn’t expect this many people to express their support. It means so much more when the public turn out rather than just hearing it from friends and family.”

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