The Queen dazzles in lime Green trousers

HER lime green trouser suit and pastel headscarf may look formal to most people but this was the Queen heading off on a family holiday cruise yesterday.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

The Queen in a green trouser suit with the Duke of York Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice The Queen in a green trouser suit, with the Duke of York, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice

The last time anyone can remember the Queen wearing a trouser suit on an official engagement was in 1970 so her outfit was very much what passes for casual wear in the royal wardrobe.

Bathed in glorious sunshine and waving to passengers on a nearby ferry, the 84-year-old monarch boarded the Hebridean Princess, a car ferry-turned five star luxury cruise ship, at Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis for a 10-day cruise around the Western Isles.

The cruise, arranged to mark Prince Andrew’s 50th birthday last February and Princess Anne’s 60th next month, is costing the Queen £300,000 out of her own pocket and will follow the pattern of old family holidays around the Western Isles on the Royal Yacht Britannia before the luxury vessel was decommissioned in 1997.

“They’re really looking forward to it. There’s nothing that the Queen enjoys more than a family picnic on an isolated beach on one of the islands,” a royal aide said.

Demob happy after a hectic summer season of official duties, most of the family certainly seemed in high spirits as they boarded the 200ft ship, which they used for a similar cruise in 2004 to celebrate the Queen’s 80th birthday.

There were smiles almost all round as Andrew, his daughters Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, joined the ship along with the late Princess Margaret’s children Viscount Linley and Sarah Chatto with their families. But the birthday girl, Anne, who will be 60 on August 15, looked glum as she boarded carrying a backpack alongside her husband, Vice Admiral Tim Laurence.

To while away the long hours on board, the Queen will still have her red boxes containing official papers to go through every day but aides, armed with bags for her, also packed a selection of board games and puzzles to keep the family entertained. They included the word game Articulate, Carcassonne - a German-made board game in which contestants build a medieval fortified town, and a 1,000-piece jigsaw of a 1950s shopping basket.

Prince Philip, who was away on a private engagement yesterday, is expected on board later and Prince Edward, who was on an official visit to Canada, will join the party over the next few days, along with the Countess of Wessex and their children Lady Louise Windsor and James, Viscount Severn.

But Prince Charles, Camilla and Princes William and Harry will not be on the cruise after citing long-standing work commitments, while Camilla will also be away for part of the time on a previously-booked holiday in Britain with her children and grandchildren. Charles will, however, host a lunch for all the family at the Queen Mother’s old home, the Castle of Mey, in Caithness, at the end of the cruise.

The Queen’s decision to take the family on the cruise has sparked a £1 million security operation paid for by taxpayers, drawing criticism from some quarters.

A Royal Navy Type 23 frigate, divers, Ministry of Defence police launches, local police, as well as Scotland Yard bodyguards will all be involved in the operation to make sure the Royal Family have a trouble-free holiday.

The Type 23 frigate providing escort duties will cost taxpayers £712,000 alone in operating costs during the 10-day cruise, although Navy sources have insisted that the ship would have been in the area anyway and will continue normal training routines while it is shadowing the royal holidaymakers.

Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: “Had the Queen holidayed somewhere else the security bill would not have been so high.

“Wherever the Royal Family go there will be an issue of security, and it is right that they are protected, but they should not be indulged. In a time of fiscal crisis this is a huge bill for taxpayers and the Royal Family should be wary of incurring any unnecessary and high costs like this.”

After the cruise, the Queen and Philip will go to Balmoral for their annual summer sojourn.

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