What does a Queen wear to meet a Pope?

IT WAS a thorny question for the Queen.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen welcomed Benedict XVI to the Palace of Holyroodhouse The Queen welcomed Benedict XVI to the Palace of Holyroodhouse

What does one say to a Pope on the first State visit to Britain in 500 years of diplomatic relations with the Holy See?

As she welcomed Benedict XVI to the Palace of Holyroodhouse amid much pomp and pageantry yesterday, Her Majesty used her tried and tested formula. She made small talk about the weather – and the size of the Papal car.


Escorting him up the Grand Staircase and into the Morning Drawing Room, she remarked that it was warmer inside, showed him some pictures of the family, then moved to a walnut table where the official gifts lay. “Thank you very much. It’s lovely,” she said, of her facsimile of a 9th century gospel. “You’re very kind.”

In time-honoured fashion, she then struck up a conversation about the Pope’s journey: “The car you arrived in was very small, a very tight squeeze, but you’ve got your own Popemobile.”

The Pope smiled, perhaps wondering what was coming next, and replied: “Yes.” Prince Philip, on his best behaviour, asked: “Do you go to Glasgow in it?” The Queen then gestured towards Holyrood Park, at the back of the palace, telling the Pope: “We have a lovely park here.” Earlier, as dignitaries including Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond were presented to the Pontiff, one person was missing. Church of Scotland Moderator John Christie was ushered the wrong way and ended up in a side room.

A Scottish Government spokesman called it “a procedural mix-up” but said: “The situation was quickly resolved when a meeting was facilitated at the palace, where the leaders of both churches displayed mutual friendship, affection and respect for each other.”

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