Defiant Channel 4 to show Prince Harry kidnap drama

A TELEVISION drama about the kidnapping of Prince Harry in Afghanistan is to go ahead after Channel 4 rejected a defence chief’s request to think again.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

A controversial TV drama about the kidnapping of Prince Harry in Afghanistan will go ahead A controversial TV drama about the kidnapping of Prince Harry in Afghanistan will go ahead

Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup asked the broadcaster not show the programme, which examines what would happen if the Prince were captured while serving on the frontline in Afghanistan.


In a letter to Channel 4 chairman Lord Burns, the Chief of Defence Staff argued that the programme would be distressing for service families and might undermine morale. A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman who confirmed that the message was sent added: “This was a private letter and it would be inappropriate to comment on its contents.”

But a Channel 4 spokeswoman said the programme would be screened as planned on Thursday.

She said: “We have written to Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup replying to his concerns.

“The film is rooted in expert testimony and is a serious journalistic examination of a current issue. It treats the subject matter sensitively. It is a legitimate subject for documentary to explore the risks that Prince Harry faces as a high-value target, and to seek to understand the nature of the dangers to a royal in the modern theatre of war as well as the political implications.”

Critics have argued that the 90-minute film, The Taking of Prince Harry, could put soldiers’ lives at risk by detailing how the Government approaches hostage negotiations.

A defence source said yesterday: “If Channel 4 goes ahead, as looks likely, they will fail in their duty to respect the sacrifices that our Armed Forces and their families make. They will no doubt say this is a serious journalistic exercise but no responsible broadcaster would treat such a serious subject with such casual disregard.”

The programme includes scenes showing the Prince, played by actor Sebastian Reid, being held behind enemy lines. He is shown having a gun pointed in his face and being forced to appear in Taliban and Al Qaeda propaganda broadcasts.

Friends of Prince Harry, 26, who is training to fly Apache helicopter gunships, said he was appalled at the prospect of the screening.

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