No budget wedding as Prince William and Kate Middleton opt for day of pageantry

PRINCE William’s wedding to Kate Middleton will be planned as a national party day with all the pomp and pageantry of a classic royal occasion.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

ROYAL ENGAGEMENT Prince William and Kate Middleton ROYAL ENGAGEMENT: Prince William and Kate Middleton

The couple believe the nation is in no mood for a cut-price wedding on a day that will see Britain at the centre of global attention.

While the cost of the wedding may run into the millions of pounds, with some of the bill being picked up by taxpayers, experts predicted yesterday that it would bring in far more – giving the economy a £1billion-plus boost.


William and Kate have told aides they want to turn their wedding day into an event that will unite the country.

A senior adviser said: “They have relatively simple tastes and are mindful of the ­economic situation. But they also know it will be a day of national celebration.

“They see their big day as a chance for there to be a big party that can unite the nation.”

The couple, who were said to be on “cloud nine”, spent yesterday morning in planning meetings with their new joint household, headed by their private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton.

They expressed a strong preference for where they would like to be married – thought to be Westminster Abbey – and are keen to wed as early as possible, perhaps even in March.

Then, last night, it was back to work for William at least. While his delighted father Prince Charles and stepmother Camilla headed to a fun night out at the Prince’s Trust Rock Gala at the Royal Albert Hall in London, he began a 24-hour shift on duty at RAF Valley in Anglesey, North Wales.

Courtiers will soon begin discussions with the Government about who will pay for the wedding.

William is said to be keen that they should use his grandparents’ wedding in 1947 as the model rather than the 1981 marriage of his parents. In 1947, the Royal Family paid most of the costs for the wedding of the then Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip. But taxpayers footed the £30million cost of Charles and Diana’s wedding in 1981.

An aide said: “It’s not a state occasion because he’s not the monarch or heir to the throne. So the state won’t be expected to pay for everything.” Broadcaster Tom Bradby, the first journalist to interview the Prince and his fiancee, said the royal wedding would be a huge boost to the UK tourism industry.

He said: “The costs, if we split it up amongst us, will be so infinitesimally small and the impact on brand Britain and just the impact from, say, tourism will be big.” There will be costs to the wider economy, not least if the wedding is on a weekday and the nation is granted an extra bank holiday.

Cabinet ministers are expected to decide that the public will support extra spending on an event that will cheer up the country. The cost of the wedding itself could run into tens of millions but it will be far outweighed by the economic benefits to Britain, experts said yesterday.

Studies have suggested that in a normal year, the Royal Family earns £500million for the British economy in tourism alone. One expert predicted that the wedding will boost the economy by a further £620million in souvenir sales, party supplies, travel and tourism.

Neil Saunders, consulting director of retail analysts ­Verdict said: “We believe in merchandise sales alone the engagement could be worth between £12million and £18million. The benefit of the wedding itself is much bigger. We think wedding-related merchandise sales could easily top £26million in the UK, while food and grocery retailers could cash in to the tune of £360million as consumers buy extra treats to celebrate.

“All of this is before the benefits of travel and tourism are factored in. These could well add an estimated additional £216million benefit. In total that means we are looking at a £620million consumer spending boost.”

Dr Nicola Palmer, an academic at Sheffield Hallam University who specialises in measuring the economic impact of the monarchy on the economy, predicted that with worldwide television rights added in, the total boost to Britain would be much more.

She said: “£1billion sounds like quite a conservative estimate to me. I would think it would be much higher.”

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