How gloom of 1947 was lifted

BRITAIN’S soldiers, sailors and airmen had barely returned to civvy street, the nation was deep in the grip of rationing, and austerity was the watchword.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Queen Elizabeth s Westminster Abbey Royal Wedding cheered the nation Queen Elizabeth's Westminster Abbey Royal Wedding cheered the nation

It needed something quite magical to lift the gloom of 1947.

Thankfully the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip provided it. On November 20, which would normally have been a cold, miserable day bringing little cheer, a weary post-war Britain rallied to celebrate a fairytale.

Elizabeth, just 21, looked every inch the perfect Princess as she and her handsome Prince, wearing his Royal Navy uniform, walked down the aisle at Westminster Abbey amid 2,500 guests and much pomp and ceremony.


Among the elite were six kings and seven queens in the largest gathering of royalty since before the First World War. Despite the times, they lavished gifts on the couple.

But the envy of most women was the present for Elizabeth from Egypt’s King Farouk – he thoughtfully gave 100 pairs of Nylons.

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