Kate Middleton's pal quizzed over migrants jibe

A FRIEND of Kate Middleton has been questioned under caution by police after joking that she planned to shoot illegal immigrants.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

A friend of Kate Middleton pictured has been questioned under caution A friend of Kate Middleton (pictured) has been questioned under caution.

Events organiser Emma Sayle became friends with Kate after persuading her to sign up for a charity boat race in 2007, although Kate later backed out.

Emma was questioned over comments she made on the social networking website Facebook but police decided to take no further action. The 32-year-old socialite had posted a message saying: “Just had a two-hour shooting lesson.

She will now be using this skill on the top of East London high rises to help with the UK’s illegal immigrant problem.” One outraged reader complained to police. But days later Emma, of Wandsworth, south-west London, wrote: “Using my new found gun skills to control the UK’s illegal immigrant population is not what I call racist.”

A Scotland Yard spokesman said the Crown Prosecution Service had advised no further action after the interview.

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