His Royal Hearness! Prince Philip marks his 90th

WHAT do you buy the man who has everything? Prince Philip was given ear defenders – and made Lord High Admiral by the Queen – to celebrate his 90th birthday yesterday.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Philip was given ear defenders and made Lord High Admiral by the Queen Prince Philip was given ear defenders and made Lord High Admiral by the Queen

The Prince, who undertook a full programme of engagements on his big day, was given the ear protectors during a Buckingham Palace reception to mark the 100th anniversary of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People.

When its supporters, including Daily Express columnist Ann Widdecombe, presented him with the defenders for when he’s shooting, Philip quipped: “Can you get Radio 3 on this?”

He has been patron of the charity – yesterday rebranded as Action on Hearing Loss – since 1958. His mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, was born deaf. The Queen marked the Duke of Edinburgh’s birthday by making him Lord High Admiral, titular head of the Royal Navy, to reflect his interest in the service and the distinguished naval career he had to give up in 1951 to support her in her duties.

The Queen has held the post, which dates from the 14th century, since 1964, but wanted to restore the tradition of making the role an honour.

Can you get Radio 3 on this?

Prince Philip

Her husband was not fond of celebrating becoming another year older, but crowds outside the palace sang Happy Birthday when the Band of the Irish Guards struck up the tune yesterday, and gun salutes were fired around the country in his honour.

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