Royal's disapproved of Diana’s lovers

THE Royal Household disapproved of Princess Diana’s string of lovers until she died, her inquest heard yesterday.

By Jo WilleyRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

DISAPPROVED Princess Diana DISAPPROVED: Princess Diana

Diana’s relationships with men including Major James Hewitt, rugby player Will Carling, James Gilbey, and bodyguard Barry Mannakee was frowned upon by the Establishment. 

And the hearing was also told the princess feared her telephone calls were being tapped in the months leading up to her death. Diana’s former private secretary Michael Gibbins told London’s High Court that he detected “disapproval” from within the royal echelons about Diana’s lovers. 

He said she had appeared 'her normal bubbly self and was having a great time.'

He insists they were murdered because the security services had discovered she was pregnant by Dodi and it would cause embarrassment to the establishment. Michael Mansfield QC, representing Dodi’s father Mr Al Fayed, asked whether disapproval was coming not just from the tabloid press but the royal household itself. 

He asked: “By June 1997, were you aware that there was a level of disapproval of Diana and the relationships that she had had in the past?” Mr Gibbins answered: “I’m not sure that I was directly aware of that but by inference certainly.” 

Patrick Riou, who was regional director of the French Judicial Police in Paris at the time, said he was told of the claim on August 31 1997 by president of the Ritz hotel Franz Klein and his assistant Claude Roulet. 

The court heard that the claim had allegedly been relayed to British Police on the same day but details were “extremely vague”. 

Mr Gibbins told the hearing that he had warned the Princess in the weeks before her death about the ramifications of going on holiday with the Al Fayed family, before her relationship with Dodi began. 

The former accountant who worked for Diana for just over a year, running her office and finances, said she “took on board” what he had said about her “closeness” with them. 

The inquest was told that at the time, Mr Al Fayed was considered a controversial figure and Dodi a “playboy”. From July 11 to 20, 1997, Diana took Princes William and Harry to stay at Mr Al Fayed’s St Tropez holiday home. 

The hearing was also told that Mr Gibbins spoke to the Princess less than two days before her death. He said she had appeared “her normal bubbly self and was having a great time.” She had told him she was due home that weekend and he agreed that “one of the things she was obviously concerned about was getting back to the children.”

Mr Gibbins also revealed the atmosphere of grief and shock at Kensington Palace immediately after the crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31 1997. He told the hearing that he had been informed of the accident when he was called in the early hours by a newspaper. 

He told of calls back and forward to Balmoral, where the Queen was on holiday. 

Asked about his time working for Diana, he also revealed that the Princess, who was not wearing a seatbelt when her Mercedes crashed, had always insisted on wearing one on journeys and made sure he did likewise.

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