What cheek! Aussie moons at the Queen

THE Queen saw a bit more of Australia than she ­bargained for yesterday when a construction worker mooned at her with the national flag clenched between his bare buttocks.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, Roger Maynard

Liam Warriner ran alongside the royal motorcade with the Aussie flag wedged between his cheeks Liam Warriner ran alongside the royal motorcade with the Aussie flag wedged between his cheeks

Liam Warriner, 22, ran 50 yards alongside the royal motorcade with the Aussie flag wedged between his cheeks as the Queen and Prince Philip were greeted by a 45,000 crowd in Brisbane. He was later charged with public nuisance and wilful exposure.

Warriner, who took part in anti-capitalist protests in Sydney, claimed he was unloading a container when he saw the Queen waving. His workmates dared him to moon the monarch.

After being released on bail, Warriner said: “Everybody’s seen someone’s butt, come on. You see it on TV all the time, yet it’s an offence to the Queen.”


The monarch went to Brisbane to meet victims of the floods that killed 36 people across the state of Queensland in January.

Everybody’s seen someone’s butt, come on. You see it on TV all the time, yet it’s an offence to the Queen

Liam Warriner

As some light relief she also met two koalas, Nivea and Sprite, who were evacuated from the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary when it was deluged with water.

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