Victoria’s Christmas secrets...

THIS Christmas tree hanging from the ceiling at Windsor Castle is the centrepiece of an exhibition showing how Queen Victoria celebrated the festive season.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

David Oakley puts the finishing touches to a Christmas tree David Oakley puts the finishing touches to a Christmas tree

The castle’s State Dining Room and Octagon Dining Room have been transformed to show visitors how they would have looked in the mid-19th century – with a tree instead of a chandelier, family presents on tables and a feast that might have included 50 turkeys, a baron of beef and woodcock pie made from 100 birds.

Queen Charlotte, the German-born wife of George III, is credited with introducing the Christmas tree to Britain but it was Victoria’s husband Prince Albert who popularised it, sending large numbers to schools and Army barracks.

Windsor is very much associated with Queen Victoria

Rachel Woollen, of the Royal Collection

Soon every home in Britain had a tree bedecked with candles, fruit, homemade decorations and small gifts.

Rachel Woollen, of the Royal Collection, said: “Windsor is very much associated with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. They spent every Christmas together at the castle.” The displays will be on show until January 8.

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