The Queen's got the Diamond Jubilee all wrapped up

THE Queen put on her warmest clothes yesterday as she launched a project which aims to plant six million native British trees to mark her Diamond Jubilee.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen battling the cold east wind yesterday The Queen battling the cold east wind yesterday

Accompanied by Princess Anne, she planted an oak which will be a focal point of the new 20-acre Jubilee Wood on the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk.

The Queen wore a bottle-green overcoat and green-and-white headscarf on a frosty morning with a cold east wind blowing. “It is terribly bleak here,” she said. “There is nothing between here and Siberia.”

Anne, patron of the project, said: “Trees often form part of royal celebrations. The Duke of Edinburgh planted one at Sandringham for the Queen’s Coronation.

“Those trees will be enjoyed by generations to come. People will grow up with them and they will be engraved on our memories.” The royal pair watched as pupils from Sandringham and Flitcham primary schools began planting their own trees. Over the next 15 months, the Woodland Trust’s Jubilee Woods Project will fund new woods across the country.

There is nothing between here and Siberia

The Queen speaking on a frosty morning

A million trees are expected to be planted in February alone.

The project is funded by supermarket giant Sainsbury’s, which has pledged £1.5million.

Sue Holden, chief executive of the trust, said: “This is a project which will suitably commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and provide a fitting legacy for generations to come, providing recreation, cleaner air and vital habitat for wildlife.”

The trust is to distribute free community tree packs containing 105 or 420 native species. Each contains an oak sapling grown from acorns collected on royal estates.

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