Kate Middleton’s secret help for drug and alcohol addicts

THE Duchess of Cambridge has begun a hectic programme of visits to her new charities after making a secret trip to meet recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton REX The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton / REX

Kate will be doing at least half a dozen public royal engagements on her own for the first time while Prince William is away serving as an RAF search-and-rescue pilot in the Falklands over the next six weeks.

She began with a visit to a clinic run by Action on Addiction, one of her charities, on Thursday.

It was her first private visit to get to know one of her four new charities since her patronages were announced at the start of last month.

She met staff at Clouds House in East Knoyle, Salisbury, Wilts., where addicts go through detox before starting a 12-step programme involving intensive counselling.

“She found it very informative,” a St James’s Palace spokesman said. “It was a really good visit. The Duchess is getting to know more about what the charities do and meeting the staff and those they help.

The Duchess is getting to know more about what the charities do and meeting the staff and those they help

A St James’s Palace spokesman

“This will be a busy period for her now. She is really going to throw ­herself into it.”

She will make private visits to all her charities to understand more about the work they do and undertake her first public solo duties.

Her other charities are East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, the National Portrait Gallery and The Art Room, which works to improve the self-esteem of disadvantaged childen.

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