Your Jubilee carriage awaits...

THE Duke and Duchess of ­Cambridge will join the Queen and Prince Philip in a glittering ­carriage procession to mark the Diamond Jubilee.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will join the Queen and Prince Philip in a carriage procession The Duke and Duchess of ­Cambridge will join the Queen and Prince Philip in a ­carriage procession

Prince Harry, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall will also take part in the spectacular ride through central London on ­Tuesday, June 5.

Up to a million people are expected to line the processional route between Parliament and Buckingham Palace.

It will be the first time that ­William and Kate have taken part in a formal carriage ride together since their wedding last year.

And for the crowds, the procession during a day of glorious ­pageantry will create a replay of the parade after the couple’s nuptials on April 29 last year..

A Sovereign’s Escort provided by the Household Cavalry in their breastplates and plumed helmets will accompany the Queen and Philip, who will travel in a 1902 state landau.

The route will be lined by 1,000 soldiers, sailors and airmen and military bands in full ceremonial uniform.

Up to a million people are expected to line the processional route

The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery will fire a 60-gun salute from Horse Guards Parade.

The day’s events will culminate in a Buckingham Palace balcony appearance by the Queen and her family and an RAF flypast after a feu de joie – fire of joy – rifle salute by the Irish Guards in the palace forecourt.

It will bring down the curtain on a spectacular jubilee weekend that includes a Thames river pageant on Sunday, June 3, and an all-star concert for the Queen in The Mall on June 4 to celebrate her 60 years on the throne.

Before the carriage procession on the 5th, the Queen and her ­family will attend a service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral to celebrate the long reign.

Afterwards the monarch and her husband will be guests at a short reception at Mansion House while other members of the Royal ­Family attend a similar event at Guildhall.

Senior royals will then be driven to Westminster Hall, the oldest part of Parliament, which dates back to 1097.

They will be joined at a special lunch by 700 guests invited from all over the country by the City ­livery companies, before joining the carriage procession.

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