Queen's granddaughter rushed to hospital after pony fall

THE Countess of Wessex pulled out of a royal engagement today when her daughter Lady Louise Windsor was taken to hospital after falling off her pony.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Lady Louise Windsor fell from her pony today Lady Louise Windsor fell from her pony today

Eight-year-old Lady Louise, who was one of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's bridesmaids last year, went to hospital for precautionary checks.

It is understood she was wearing a hat and back brace and was not seriously injured - and will not need an operation.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: "We can confirm Lady Louise fell off her pony. She's fine and she's being checked out at hospital."

Her mother, Sophie was due to join Prince Edward on official duties opening a £35m treatment centre at The Christie cancer hospital in Manchester but pulled out after the accident. Edward went ahead with the visit.

Palace officials would not say where the accident happened nor where she was undergoing checks.

Lady Louise's mother Sophie broke a rib and bruised several others in a horse riding accident last year just before the royal wedding.

Edward and Sophie live at Bagshot Park, a large country estate near the Queen's favourite royal residence, Windsor Castle in Berkshire, with their daughter and four-year-old son Viscount Severn.

Lady Louise, who has undergone corrective surgery after being born with exotropia, a rare condition which causes a divergent squint, was last seen in public at the traditional Easter service at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, on Sunday with the Queen and other senior royals.

William and Kate, who made her dreams come true by asking her to be a bridesmaid, are to undertake their first joint official royal engagement since he returned from a six-week deployment to the Falklands.

St James's Palace announced today that on April 25 the couple will attend the UK film premiere of African Cats, a Disneynature movie about lions and cheetahs in the savannah. They will be there in aid of Tusk Trust, a conservation charity which counts Prince Willliam as its patron.

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